Saturday, September 26, 2009

knocked out

Okay so like I haven't been updating my blog. Been too busy that I've forgotten to use the computer. (ok no) Last night I was literally knocked out due to over exhaustion. Maybe not but I was really really tired. Went out for a hari raya outing with a group of my school mates. Don't really wanna elaborate about it. Too much to talk about. But it was what I didn't expect. Full of jokes and laughters. I almost fell down at someone's house but I didn't, so my left foot now hurts when I press on it or walk. I beared with it today during my outing with relatives. Plus, am having a bloody running nose and sore eyes. I can't touch some cats bcos it'll only lead to this. How sad right.... And yah, I have to go out for another outing tomorrow. BLOODY TIRED MAN!

p/s: i NEED to watch 4bia 2!!! HAHAHAH

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