Saturday, September 5, 2009


Mum bought me a new camera as an advanced birthday present last night. Olympus something something... Okay so it's not what I've wished for but nevermind (12.1 mp damn good already). Hahahaha it's still greatly greatly greatly appreciated because my current camera died on me already, so yea. I'm feeling hungry. And 3 more hours to go!!! Haha yes, I'm back to fasting again.

So tomorrow I'm gonna turn 15. It may be not much of a big deal to you but it is to me lah. A year older means something ok? Hhahahaha. I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow. HAHA ANXIOUS SHIT.

I've decided that I'm still going to update my blog. You don't have to relink me anymore. But Tumblr's still way better :D

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