Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i screwed it

Delya did my hair. Thank you, love it :)
Today during P.E, we played badminton again. It must've been a miracle that my name wasn't called out to do the 5 stations. Ok that's besides the point. I had fun. Sweated like fuck. Had malay oral after school. Reading was fine but the conversation part, I may have screwed it up. Gahhhhhh.

My eyes. Can't. Take. It. Anymore.
Why the fuck am I getting darn sleepy so early? Kinda unusual. Okay damn, can't take it anymore. Till then.

eyes itchy again

Having a pathetic slight flu and it's annoying the shit out of me. Tomorrow is gonna suck, I reckon. Malay FUCKING oral _|_ Not forgetting that I fought with Mum again. Why oh why are you so sensitive?

On a side note, went to the airport to "study" with Raf. I can never study with her. Well did a few questions and that's it. There were too many attractive guys over there. HAHAHAHAHA. Fuck, it's 1 am.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

hey whats up

Oh oh oh. Fuck, my life at home for the past 2 days was like hell. Had a "small" fight with Mum on Thursday and the next day she changed the password for the computer. Felt like a zombie -.- Spent the time sleeping, watching MTV and working out a little. BUT.. as usual, I managed to know the password. Smart right? HAHAHAH. Mum's out to her friend's place now and I don't want her to know I know the password.

Okay right. Anyways, I'm already on good terms with Mum. It's normal for a mother and daughter to fight. :) Went jogging with her in the morning. (boring)

She's going to Philippines next week! WOOOO. And Raf's most probably sleeping over at my place. Wanna plan anything? *raises eyebrows/kening naik2* HAHAHA.

102 friend requests on tagged (-__________-)
30 friend requests on facebook
HAHA woah. Only 2 days.

Okay, I think i'm gonna do a little maths and have my yoghurt in a few.

Monday, April 19, 2010

study date @ the airport

Took a couple of hours just to complete our darn Maths assignment. That's all. 5 stations tomorrow. Really don't feel like doing it! Fuck it. Plus, it's only been a few days and I've already spent more than $20 from my prepaid card. _|_ I've been online since morning. It's past midnight now. Hah, fuck my life.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Finally changed my internet browser to mozilla firefox. It's so much faster. Had physics test today. It was aaaaaaa-okay. Manageable. But I don't think I can pass. Tomorrow's Social Studies class test. I used to like memorising stuffs but I haven't been in the mood to do so nowadays. So so so lazy. I'm hating on social studies now HAHA don't know why. It's becoming boring.

*still thinking whether i should study*

Planned with Arina and Raf to go to school late tomorrow. And it's only because I wanna skip doing the 5 stations and Arina wants to skip her 2.4 run. As for Raf, sebok je. HAHA no lah.

I feel like going swimming. Hehe. Hmm, shall try planning with them girls. Toodles for now.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

tgif (delayed)

Good Morning. It's a Saturday and I'm staying home today to study for class tests next week. Ugh, Geography and Bio on the same fucking day! Imagine that. I've got to squeeze everything into my head hahaha! _|_ I'll try.

So yesterday, went out with Arina, Raf, Nis and Faidz. Arina's supposed to treat us for sheesha, so yeah. Sort of forced Nis to tag along with us and now I'm so sorry if you felt left out. Really. Hope you're not pissed or something, heh :) We tried to look for shops who doesn't ask for our ICs like craaaaaaaaazy. Failed. HAHA. Waited for Arina's sister and then finally off we went. I remembered ordering the flavours- strawberry and mango. But i don't know why the mango was chaned to apple -_- Okay so nevermind. Got a little high but not like Faidz and Raf! HAHAHAHA. *coughs coughs* Ade org telan asap at first, asap kluar punye la sikit! Who uh? HAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Uh, that's it. Left the place @ around 9plus and went to have Starbucks. Thanks uh for the treat, Faidz, buat susah2 je. Left there at 10.15 or so. Sorry Aie couldn't ton with you yesterday.


hmm hi, i look so freaking happy -.-

Thursday, April 8, 2010

how's life?

Because I've got no other pictures to post.

How long has it been since I last update? I think it hasn't been THAT long. Been busy with school and bla bla bla. Class tests are on. Having maths test tomorrow. I only revised for a short while because I feel tired, moodless and distracted. So, all the best to me tomorrow.

Art remedials are just a waste of time, i swear. HAHAHA. Been using the school's laptop to chat and whatnots. But at least I got some of my work done. So anyways, been getting a lot of messages from unknown people. When I ask where they get my number from, they'll just say "a friend". Hahahahah stupid people I hate it when younger guys talk to me in a flirty manner. So disgusting. Hahahahaha........... but oh thats besides the point.

Okay it's 11pm now. Planned to go to sleep early today so yeah. Toodlesssssssss.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

should i?

Hi, my eyes aren't even looking at the camera. Hahahaha. So I haven't done anything productive for the past... 2 days. And today, I don't even think I'm gonna do anything yet again. But! I do intend to practice some maths and study Physics. Well HOPEFULLY.

Bestfriend came yesterday. She was at my place from morning till night. We had McSpicy for our brunch. Watched horror movies on the computer and laughed at people on facebook who looks hilarious. She did brows. Thanks, but i still find it not that satisfying, hehe.

Anyways, I feel like crap. I miss him, I think. Why ah? :( hahahahah.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

we're done.

i'm back to being single. sorry. hope you understand.

Friday, April 2, 2010


I miss you. I miss talking to you. I miss sharing my happiness, my ups and my downs with you. I miss laughing with you. I miss our inside jokes. I miss our random conversations that never ended. I really do miss you.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

so so so so

ok la, my smile is fake. willingly admitted it. HAHA.

Oh happy April Fools day! Not much happened anyway. I wasn't fooled or neither did I fool anyone. I guess as we get older, the less we care, uh? Been busy for the last couple of days. Been going for art remedials since I've been given a warning if I don't attend any one of the sessions without a valid reason, I'll have to do make up sessions. (actually idk if i've mentioned this before) But! So far.... been slacking like hell. Borrowed the school's laptop and went on facebook till the remedial ends. Haahahaah good job! Oh yah, had a maths topical test and my mind went fucking blank. Hahahah i'm so ready to get 0 marks.

Tomorrow's good Friday. Not much. Staying home this week so that I can go out next week. Plans with Arina, Faidz, Raf and Shafawi.

By the way, to (inserts name), sorry ah cos I think things are getting... awkward. And i treat you as a friend, so like yeah.


The scrambled egg I fried is yummy.

I love baby.
12 more days. ♥