Thursday, April 1, 2010

so so so so

ok la, my smile is fake. willingly admitted it. HAHA.

Oh happy April Fools day! Not much happened anyway. I wasn't fooled or neither did I fool anyone. I guess as we get older, the less we care, uh? Been busy for the last couple of days. Been going for art remedials since I've been given a warning if I don't attend any one of the sessions without a valid reason, I'll have to do make up sessions. (actually idk if i've mentioned this before) But! So far.... been slacking like hell. Borrowed the school's laptop and went on facebook till the remedial ends. Haahahaah good job! Oh yah, had a maths topical test and my mind went fucking blank. Hahahah i'm so ready to get 0 marks.

Tomorrow's good Friday. Not much. Staying home this week so that I can go out next week. Plans with Arina, Faidz, Raf and Shafawi.

By the way, to (inserts name), sorry ah cos I think things are getting... awkward. And i treat you as a friend, so like yeah.


The scrambled egg I fried is yummy.

I love baby.
12 more days. ♥

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