Monday, May 31, 2010


Do you know how much it sucks to have a freaking sore throat, a fever and backaches? It sucks real bad ok! Haahahaha. So i went to pasir ris earlier to take back my camera from Arina. Felt really tired =/ While waiting for her, a few guys from afar kept calling me. I ignored. They came over....and one of them asked for my number. He's a guy full of tattoos pls! HAHA. Ok -_____- His friends are hot but not him.

I miss baby :( Hehehe

Saturday, May 29, 2010

gi mampos!

I feel like i'm used by people. Just because i'm nice, doesn't mean you can step all over me _|_ No mood. Dah uh, handphone korang smue korg bole buang kay hahahahahahaahah yes, i'm pissed at myself. (case mengamuk sendiri) and nah, it's nothing big. but still!!!!! korang bole gi mampos bye kanina

Thursday, May 27, 2010

i can't believe...

Hi hi, I'm back to update this. I'm super tired right now. Was out since morning. Skipped school, intentionally. HAHA. Ooops. Guess what? I haven't showed my results slip to my parents. Well well, maybe after the june holidays?

Okay. So woke up around 7.30 and went over to Raf's place. Bby suddenly texted me saying that we're going to Sentosa today so yeah. Lazed around at Raf's crib for a few hours and then left for Bukit Batok. Kinda pissed that b didn't reply. Turned out that he fell asleep and heh, he was sick. Went over to his place to chill. SENTOSA = CANCEL.

Hmm so, left his place around 5 plus and trained to City Hall to meet Raf and Arina. Talked about many stuffs. Hahahahaha hell yeah, I'm broke now. So fucking pathetic.

Should I be happy that june holidays are here?
Fuck no. School will still come back to haunt me.


TWEET TWEET -_______-

Sunday, May 23, 2010



Went to watch Shrek @ Jurong Point yesterday. Then spent time with him. Heheehehehe, I'm happy :)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

i love bio


Lovely little baby. I miss her, heheh. Okay so tomorrow's the last paper. I so can't fucking wait! Gonna enjoy like HELL after exams. Literally. Maths Paper 1 and 2 = total disaster. There's not even a need to wait for the results, I'll fail for sure. I'm hoping that it'll be the only subject that I'll fail but oh well. I DON'T THINK SO HAHAHAAH.

Last weekend, I went to town with Raf and Nis for a movie. Went to cineleisure first to book the tickets but it was sold out. Nvm, and so I went to buy some pieces of lingerie with the vouchers. And i love Pierre Cardin. Favourite brand! Anyways, after that, we had to rush to cathay. But the tickets for The Last Song was sold out. Then we had to rush again to Plaza Singupura's Golden Village. We thought we had gotten the tickets but it turned out that we got tickets for The Losers -____-
HAHA! Damn it. The movie turned out good, surprisingly. So yeah. (delayed)

I wanted to go to sleep a few hours ago. Now it's 6pm already! Okay maybe a short nap. Will study Bio when I wake up. Till here, good luck classmates/schoolmates/friends :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

weekends, i missed you!

Mission failed. We didn't study Maths. Thanks to Nis and Ihsan, for bringing ther laptops. Appreciate it, NOT. HAHA!

So one more week to endure with and mid year will be over! English paper 2 was cocked up. Wait, paper 1 was not even that easy. If I fail, i'll cry -_- Maths paper on Monday. Not started revising. Well wellllllll, all the best, Allysa.

Okay I'm gonna have my lunch now. Out with Raf, Nis and Ihsan later to town. Watching The Last Song :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Hi I overslept today. And then now I'm like having a fucking flu! Fuck my life. Mum's coming home in a couple of hours. I'm going to the airport. Craving for something cold and sweet. Hahahahaha my life's in a mess.

Monday, May 10, 2010

ga ga ga

It's 3.30 in the morning and I'm not asleep. I think i'm going to bed in awhile. Been sooooooo lazy to update my blog! Hehe. By the way, I bought a hula hoop from a pasar malam. YAY! Ok so happy belated mothers day. Mum's coming back on Tuesday :)

Finally topped up my prepaid card. How long will it last this time? HAHA! _|_ ok fuck exams. i can't wait for it to end.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I missed school today. Mum's not here and i can't wake up on my own like this. Someone be my alarm clock by calling? HAHA, i sleep like a pig. I swear I didn't even hear the alarm ringing. Ugh!

Exam's this Friday. Enjoyed myself too much during the weekends. Gotta suffer now =/

I miss Mumsy already :(

Monday, May 3, 2010

bounty hunter / karaoke

Pictures only:



Sorry, mate steam =/