Tuesday, May 18, 2010

i love bio


Lovely little baby. I miss her, heheh. Okay so tomorrow's the last paper. I so can't fucking wait! Gonna enjoy like HELL after exams. Literally. Maths Paper 1 and 2 = total disaster. There's not even a need to wait for the results, I'll fail for sure. I'm hoping that it'll be the only subject that I'll fail but oh well. I DON'T THINK SO HAHAHAAH.

Last weekend, I went to town with Raf and Nis for a movie. Went to cineleisure first to book the tickets but it was sold out. Nvm, and so I went to buy some pieces of lingerie with the vouchers. And i love Pierre Cardin. Favourite brand! Anyways, after that, we had to rush to cathay. But the tickets for The Last Song was sold out. Then we had to rush again to Plaza Singupura's Golden Village. We thought we had gotten the tickets but it turned out that we got tickets for The Losers -____-
HAHA! Damn it. The movie turned out good, surprisingly. So yeah. (delayed)

I wanted to go to sleep a few hours ago. Now it's 6pm already! Okay maybe a short nap. Will study Bio when I wake up. Till here, good luck classmates/schoolmates/friends :)

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