Saturday, March 6, 2010

craving for some things

Hey. I know I haven't been blogging lately. I'll only update only when there's pictures, anything THAT interesting to talk about or I'm just very very very bored. Otherwise, I'll not blog.

So school was fine as per USUAL. Got back all of the common tests results. Wasn't satisfying at all. Failed Bio and Maths. I think I did better than last year. Hah, whatever. Next week- Sec 4 camp. Only looking forward for the 1 night at east coast park. Other than that, blah. I have to expect a lot of talks/lectures because from what I heard, Adam Khoo whatever company is good at that -.- So yeah.

Was out with Raf yesterday. Roamed around town. Going from shop to shop feeling frustrated because of all the pretty stuffs and not having money. One day perhaps HAHA -.- Talked about stuffs. Decided to take a look @ 313 Somerset. Went to the freaking wrong shopping centre. HAHAHAHAH epic moment. We went in to TRIPLE ONE shopping centre instead. Very dumb.. Okay it was like a shopping paradise la over there. Damn it, the Forever 21! _|_ Then sat at Taka till almost 10 and went home.

Till here.

P/S: Holidays, come fastttttttttttttt! Enjoy your holidays before coming back for another term of hell.

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