Sunday, November 22, 2009

cleared up my books

Last night I decided to clear up whatever unused worksheets and books... Let's start with pictures...

This is only the beginning...

Then I found the 'hot list' that I made with Ada...

And then it got even lamer...

That I can't believe I wrote such stupid stuffs.. (HA, my handwriting just sucks)

Then it gets worse....


And say goodbye to 2009 timetable... (thats when I found out I fucking lost my book list for next year _|_)

Okay hahaha so I am sorry if I have bored you to death reading this. I simply have no idea what else to update on. Hmm, besides the fact that I'm craving for donuts donuts donuts!!!! Am still thinking whether I should head to ION later on just to get some of those. But considering that I'm such a lazy bum, I highly have doubts -.-And I'm most probably gonna dye my hair tomorrow. Wondering if it'd turn out to be disastrous.

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