Saturday, November 28, 2009

holidays = fucked

My fringe isn't supposed to look like bangs but it always does anyway. It's almost midnight now and I don't know what to do. So far, I've done nothing constructive at all besides being on the computer, online for countless hours. I've sort of given up on doing my art. Supposed to download the illustrator from the internet but it failed even after many times trying. That surely dissapointed the shit out of me, HAHA not really. I was looking looking forward to designing my logos and that thing not being able to be downloaded, sucks. Of course I'll do it in time to come. Last minute stuffs if my forte. Ha.

I can't really go out. Mum always suspects that when I go out, I will smoke or do stupid stuffs. And if for example I say that I'm gonna go out with (inserts name), she won't believe it either. Nothing else works. Sucks so hard. FUCK THIS OKAY. Whats the fucking point for holidays? I believe being in school is so much better...
Oh yea, I lost the booklist -.-

HAHAHAHAA btw, I had such a weird dream last night. Fucking weird! I can't imagine.

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