Wednesday, November 25, 2009

whatever you like

So this is how the colour turned out to be. I sort of panicked when I first got out of the shower. It's like the colour is too obvious but after awhile I got used to it.. Haha shit. I still find it too yellow or whatever the colour is. I don't know what the fuck's gonna happen tomorrow.. Thinking of buying black hairspray but ughh idk =/

My neck is still in so much pain ever since I woke up in the morning. I must have slept at the wrong side of the bed or wtv shit. I can't turn or tilt it or it'll hurt like hell. Okay what else? HAHAHHAA OH YEAH. Mum wants to put on hair extensions. I'm still in shock. I mean, i still can't believe it. She's willing to go the extent to put on extensions. Well, good for her... As for me, i've no idea. So, accompanying Mum to far east plaza later.

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