Saturday, October 31, 2009

dead drunk

Hey. Got myself really drunk yesterday. Kind of regretted it. I remembered that I kept refilling my cup till I lost myself completely. Can't really recall much except the part when I was told by Raf that my Father's coming to pick me up. Panicked. I heard quite alot from them. So so so sorry that I've been such a hassle. So yeah, I got my vomit on everybody's clothes. HAHA. I didn't even know I kept vomitting. Really. I realised that I've got a swollen forehead, a scratch on my nose and some bruises on my elbow. They said I fell straight to the ground on my head for a few times and had difficulties making me sober =/ They splashed cold water all over me and slapped me hard but it didn't work. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I was still deep in my sleep, I guess. Million apologies especially to Shafawi! Some embarassing moments happened which I can't mention here. Damn embarassed to say it here.

Hai, Raf actually recorded a few videos of me being darn crazy. Thought of uploading it but nooooooo. I look really pathetic _|_ Hahahahaha.

Okay I updated a whole lot more on my tumblr. Too lazy to type more over here. Mum's coming home on Monday. Yay! But there's school for 2 weeks. Real bummer. Pretty obvious that I'm so gonna have to devote my time to Art once again. Let's prepare for the depressing time thats coming ahead of me -.-

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

so happy boomz

No more mural painting! Hooray. No staying back till 5.30 and taking up most of my time. Today's session was rather boring. Didn't help with the painting much and I even fell asleep for quite awhile. Played poker cards with Ada, Faidz and Aidil. It's been quite some time since I last played 'bluff'. It was funny. All of us were good liars in our own ways hahahah. Wanted to go home an hour early but... seems like Ada wanted to continue with the painting so I just stayed on. Somehow Arina splashed water with black paint onto Ada's shirt and she got pissed so we left school. Sorry to hear that sistah. HAHA.

I skipped breakfast today. Well actually I don't really eat breakfast unless Mum's here to pester me. As per usual, there's nothing to eat at home and I DON'T WANT TO HAVE MAGGI FOR MY DINNER AGAIN. But I'm so damn hungry right now. I'll like try to whip up something later @ 10. Hahahaha, I know so late already.

Tomorrow getting back results slip. I may have passed english and 2 other subjects but I can't help but feel anxious and worried at the same time. It'll be really stressful if I have to re-take for the exams. Uh okay, all the best to all of my classmates! I don't want any of you to retain ok? ♥ you 3A2, HAHAHA. Oooh yeah, can't wait for Friday!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009




Today was boring just like any other day. Ada went offline in the process of sending me the few hundred pictures we took in school earlier. Can't believe it myself. Within 2 or so hours, we had taken that MUCH photos. How much of a camwhore are we? :P HAHAHA. Soooo, the mural painting on the walls are almost done. Left with one more day and we're done! And yeah, 3 more days and school's out! Well not really. I as an art student, still have to go back to school during the holidays for some graphic design course. I think it's gonna be fun somehow. At least we don't have to work on our drawings like the fashion design students have to. Oops, sorry! Hahahaha. It's past midnight. Look, I'm not asleep. And my eyebags, too, have grown tremendously. Ahhhhhh, I look so pathetic in some of the pictures. Like I'm damn old or something -.-

Okay. I think I have plans for tomorrow already. Going bowling with Nis and company. But I'm still unsure. For a start, I've never went bowling before. And it'll make me feel really awkward and stuffs. Secondly, I don't know if I have enough money. So thats it. I'll see how things goes tomorrow morning. And lastly, if I can even wake up on time :)


Monday, October 26, 2009


So it's like 10 more minutes to 2am and I don't know what's the purpose of staying up till so late. Maybe because I'm so fucking glad that I'm not coming to school tomorrow and want to make full use of the whole night being awake or it's just that I can't go to sleep. HAHAHA. I've been browsing through movies online and I still don't know what to watch! The movies are kinda boring, so yeah. I'm gonna try Bring It On: Fight to The Finish. I hope it's a good movie! Probably going to bed after that or if I find it boring halfway.

Bummer. I still have to like wake up quite early tomorrow. Let's see. I think I've to be up by 8 or 9? Haaaaaaa shit, whats the difference?!?! I thought I'd be meeting Ada after school at around 2 or something but I was told that school ends @ 12.30 tomorrow. Sooooooooo that means I have to be there early. Thinking about the train ride is making me reaaaaaaaally lazy! It's okay, another 6 more hours of painting to bear with. I wanna have my IC photo changed tomorrow. Hopefully it'll look better than the one months back which looks so damn hideous. Woah okay. I'm so bored right now. No life........ I know.

By the way, today's dinner was the best that I've had ever since Mum left. Tom yum mixed with my favourite vegetable + fishballs + hotdogs + chili padi. So heavenly!!!

Okay good morning. Have fun in school tomorrowwwwww to all my classmates! :D

Sunday, October 25, 2009

no more boomz

Hey. I finally get to go out on a Saturday after weeks of rotting at home. But where else can I go hang out at now? Singapore's getting boring because we're already running out of places to go. What? Like... town town town. Orchard/city hall/somerset/dhoby ghaut? If we have the money $$$, then it's fine. Only then will we be able to do massive shopping spree and whatnots. We're soooo gonna run out of things to do. HAHA okay so enough.

Went to catch Eddie Murphy's Imagine That with Raf. The movie was a mixture of funny, sad and touching. There was this part of the movie which was really unbearable so I just kept on laughing till my stomach ached. HAHA! Hmm, a teeny weeny part of it was boring. But overall, it was worth watching! :)

We didn't know where to head after the movie. Well since I'd bought the nasi goreng Bapak cooked, we sat around Taka area and ate it. Stared at people walking pass for i don't know how long due to boredom. Didn't even know where to go next or what to do. Felt pathetic. Thennnn... GUESS WHAT?


I still can't believe it. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Went to Vivo City after that. Raf wanted to buy some vegetables so we headed to cold storage. Did some window shopping and all I could afford to do was be frustrated with myself because I've no money to splurge on clothes that are really tempting looking! Now am gonna watch some videos on Youtube and probably hit the sack. I wanna sleep like a log and wake up late tomorrow! Most probably not coming to school on Monday too. But............ have to go back after school for mural painting. Zzzzz... I want to have another photo taken for my IC. Soon i hope hope hope hope.

Goodnight. Oh it's already past midnight -____-

Friday, October 23, 2009

boomz boomz boomz

Ugh so boring. I don't know what to blog about. Today was supposed to be a short day in school but thanks to art, I had to go home 5 hours later because school ended at 12.30. Great. Anyways, say hello to weekends! I am so glad that they're finally here. I slept with the teevee on last night. Which resulted in me being overslept by an hour! Was almost late for school by a few minutes! -.- Woah, I don't think I'll be able to wake up on time for the rest of the school days without Mum. And yes, I sleep dead. Like a fucking log. I set 2 alarms but I can't ever hear it. Dumb. So I've planned not to go to school next week. Only on Monday and Friday actually. Tuesday is promotion day. Fuck yeah, no school again. Ugh so anyway, the point is, i have difficulty waking up on time and also, sleeping early. It's been an issue since i dont know when. I can't sleep early like almost everyday. Shit. The earliest time I'll go to sleep is 12 midnight? HAHAHAHA.

Okay, yeaaah results! I'm too lazy to elaborate so...

Maths Paper 2- 25/60
Social Studies- 25/50
Biology- 27/40
Physics- 17/50 (i can officially die. i hate physics)

Me and Raf have planned to watch Sorority Row tomorrow but.. orchard's cathay cineleisure is no longer showing it. Fuck fuck fuck. This always happens can? And there'll be no other chances for us since that's the only place we know of that allows us to get through NC16 movies _|_ First it was 4bia 2 that we missed and now this. Nevermind, Jennifer's Body, next week!

I haven't had my dinner and it's 11pm already. I think i'll no longer have my dinner whenever I'm at home. NO FOOD AT ALL! :(

Thursday, October 22, 2009

hahahah wtf man boomz


For more secrets,

happily boomz

hahahahhaa Ada said I look like I deserve a slap!

Hey, fuck yeah boomz, I am happy today. Got back some of the results. I think it's a pretty good way to start off my day. Oh yeh, sent Mum to the airport in the morning. Parted with tears. I don't know, I just couldn't control it :( I'll miss her. 11 days, mind you. It's only half a day without her and I'm not eating anything for dinner because there's nothing to eat and I'm just purely sick of maggi mee. I think this is probably gonna happen for the next 11 days. Okay, but i'm feeling a wee bit hungry now.

Okay back to school. Hmm, of all the papers I got back today, I passed all of it except for Maths. I know I'm never ever gonna pass maths. I got 26/40 for Geography. Ohhhhh yay, so so happy. I know it may be nothing much but I'm just as glad that I passed for the first time ever. (for an exam!) Okay enough talking. Am getting lazy -.-

English: 49/80
Malay: 38/60
Geography: 26/40
Art: 25/40
Maths: you don't need to know, it's so bad.

After school, had to stay back till 5.30pm for the Mural Painting. My team consists of Ada, Arina and many other boring peeps. Ugh, so boring. We completed our so called sketching on the walls within an hour, I think? Or maybe less. Then started loitering, walking here and there. Pretty much doing nothing. So I have to bear with this for another 3 more days which is equal to 9 hours.

Tomorrow I'm gonna get back the KILLER subjects. So nervous. All the best man! :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

unbelievably boomz


Mum's going to Dubai tomorrow (most probably because I'm suspecting damn hard on this). At first she said that she's going on Sunday and then she said maybe not. But she's been packing her stuffs since last week and today was when she finished up eveything. Bapak even mentioned about whether I'm going to school tomorrow and Mumsy told me to go to bed early tonight bcos we're going somewhere in the early morning. So this just means that we're going to the airport early tomorrow before I go to school. I don't know if I should be sad or something because I'm sure I'm gonna miss her at some point of time but at the same time, I could be all alone here. Some sort of freedom? HAHA! Sighs.

So today, Mum baked 2 more carrot cakes upon request by ME! Thanks :) I was planning to watch a movie today but am not too sure. I feel so so so lazy to step out of the house. Can't help it, hahahaaha. And furthermore, I wanna watch singapore idol tonight, so yeah. Faizal Isa! :P

Ohhhhh! I just saw Justin Bieber live on cam earlier. Hmm, still cute no matter what. I still find it hard to believe -.-

And almost everyone in the chatroom kept complimenting him being cute and sexy. Well, literally. And yes, he is. HAHA!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So fuck yeah boomz, exams are finally over! Hahahahhaa. So damn happy that I no longer have to worry about forgetting whatever shits I've memorised and waking up at 3 every shitty morning just to continue memorising. Ahhhhh yessssssss! Once again, let's celebrate the occasion. Okay, this is dumb. I've yet to get back the results and already so happy but then whatever.

Bio paper today was okay. Average-ish. I can manage most of the questions and hmm as expected, only a few of the topics were tested. Teachers gave us a list of chapters to study which is more or less 9 chapters. Thats what they claim but on the day itself, only a FEW 9 (less than 5) are tested. Why make us waste our time? HAHAHAHAHAHA okay shut up.

There's no school tomorrow. Kudos for that. I'm tired of waking up early already. I want school to be done and over with soon. But Art will always be another obstacle I have to go through. (is obstacle even the right word?) I'll have to stay back after school on Thursday, Friday and till next week or so. During the holidays, I still have to back to school for the Graphic Design wtv workshop. This is too pathetic. Thinking about it makes me feel ultra lazy.

I think I'm going to catch a movie all alone tomorrow while waiting for Raf. And nope, this is not something new. Hahahaha shit this.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Sorry wasn't ready! HAHAHAH!

So I don't know what to blog about. Hmm, 3 hours ago I thought I told myself to off the bloody computer and start studying. But hours have passed and yet I'm still on facebook. Pretty addictive, I guess. Okay, so like tomorrow is my last paper! Can't afford to fail since it's Bio. I MUST NOT FAIL. Hahahaha, woah confident -.- Okay hopefully.

By the way, Mum got pissed at me when I fall asleep while waiting for my turn to shower. She was preaching at me and looked into my eyes and.. said, "Look at your eyes! Sleep late somemore right?! Look at yourself in the mirror! Eyebags so big already."

While I replied, "I look at myself everyday. Cannot change already lah the eyebags. Tonight also i'll be sleeping late."

HAHAHAH OKAY. I think it's a boring conversation but oh wells.. Last night I dreamt of Faizal Isa. Damn, it felt so real. IF ONLY it was real :( And weird thing is, Nis also dreamt of him last night! HAHAHAHAHA. My eyes are hurt somehow. I think, i've been using the computer for too long.

TOODLES. Tomorrow is my last paper! Yessssssah can't wait! I want vodka.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Yesterday, I was all alone at town, walking aimlessly for a few hours just to find something. At the end of the day, my legs were already aching like hell. Hmm yeah, finally got the chance to meet up with Wani! :) And, I've cleared my debt and that is to treat Danial to Starbucks. Okay, one debt down. I'm still left with a few more, hahahaha. Hung out with them for awhile @ Vivo City and went to met Mum after that. (motive) I did some shopping, HAHA yes that was my motive. Zzzz. Bought a new sweater, jeans and a pair of slippers :)))))))) SUPER HAPPY.


Thursday, October 15, 2009


So today had Physics paper. I am not really interested in this subject so I didn't put my heart and soul to study for it. Last night when I started looking through a few chapters, I was almost falling asleep. But I beared with it. Still, nothing really went into my head. And I think I had alot of breaks in between when finally I lied to myself saying "I'm just gonna rest awhile". My intention was to go to sleep and I did it. I woke many hours later realising that I've not studied anything. I still didn't care, HHAHAHAHAHA.


Last paper's on Tuesday and that is Bio. Yay I love Biology and I can't wait to sit for the exam! Let's party when exams are officially over, woooooooooooo -.-

Okay anyways, I don't really dig singapore idol season 3 but... Faizal Isa's hot! (+cute) HAHAHAHAHAHAH. This is for you Nisryna.

Lalalalalala.... I just realised that the demand for justin bieber to come to Singapore thingy has increased by 16 counts!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Today went to Shafawi's open house since I'm a thoughtful person. HAHAHA okay no link. The trip to his place was really really endless! First, we took 518 from dhoby ghaut, which took us about an hour. Then, when the bus didn't make a turn to white sands, I panicked and went down to the next bus stop. We walked to the interchange. Second, we took the wrong bus to his house so we had to go back to the interchange. Third, we waited for quite some time for the right bus _|_ hahahah. Had actually planned to go study @ Cathay Cineleisure's Starbucks after that but our mood to study totally vanished when we left his house, haha! Stayed for a couple of hours and watch Bohsia (which also means, bitch) How weird but oh wells.. Me and Raf decided to head to Far East Plaza to eat @ Puncak. Random decision. Then trained home.


Anyway, I've already wished you but Happy 17th Birthday, Hadi! <3

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Saturday, October 3, 2009

hari raya outing

it was all a plan to wear black! hahaha.

There's way too many pictures to be uploaded. Yesterday was quite fun even though it was only 4 houses. Nis > Ada > Danish > Delya > LUQMAN hahahaa okay wait it's actually 5. Now I'm so sick of gassy drinks, I swear. No more house visiting already but too bad I'll probably have to go to another house visiting with parents later. Like zzzzzzz -________- Plus, i have to study. Fuck life.

Of course, for more --->

Thursday, October 1, 2009

yes, no?

Hey what dyou know, it's already October! Okay time for a proper update here! School's been really tedious and such. End of year exams are in a week and I've yet to start revising. So now I have to fucking juggle between my studying time and preparing my art prepwork for the exam. Thanks so much for making my life 'easy'. I think I'm getting more and more depressed about this. I lost the pictures that I printed for my observational drawings _|_ So I have to find the pictures ALL OVER AGAIN on the internet. Screw this. I pretty much have to prioritise art from now onwards. It sucks. I don't know when will I start on my prepwork. Maybe next week? But hell nooooooooooooo. I need time to study hahahahahaah FML.

I hate the topic on Indices.

Yes, am gonna study maths soon enough


It’s funny how we have no trouble pouring out our feelings on the computer, and baring our souls to complete strangers, but when it comes to telling how we really feel to the people that matter the most, we just can't seem to express ourselves for some reason.