Wednesday, October 28, 2009

so happy boomz

No more mural painting! Hooray. No staying back till 5.30 and taking up most of my time. Today's session was rather boring. Didn't help with the painting much and I even fell asleep for quite awhile. Played poker cards with Ada, Faidz and Aidil. It's been quite some time since I last played 'bluff'. It was funny. All of us were good liars in our own ways hahahah. Wanted to go home an hour early but... seems like Ada wanted to continue with the painting so I just stayed on. Somehow Arina splashed water with black paint onto Ada's shirt and she got pissed so we left school. Sorry to hear that sistah. HAHA.

I skipped breakfast today. Well actually I don't really eat breakfast unless Mum's here to pester me. As per usual, there's nothing to eat at home and I DON'T WANT TO HAVE MAGGI FOR MY DINNER AGAIN. But I'm so damn hungry right now. I'll like try to whip up something later @ 10. Hahahaha, I know so late already.

Tomorrow getting back results slip. I may have passed english and 2 other subjects but I can't help but feel anxious and worried at the same time. It'll be really stressful if I have to re-take for the exams. Uh okay, all the best to all of my classmates! I don't want any of you to retain ok? ♥ you 3A2, HAHAHA. Oooh yeah, can't wait for Friday!

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