Saturday, October 31, 2009

dead drunk

Hey. Got myself really drunk yesterday. Kind of regretted it. I remembered that I kept refilling my cup till I lost myself completely. Can't really recall much except the part when I was told by Raf that my Father's coming to pick me up. Panicked. I heard quite alot from them. So so so sorry that I've been such a hassle. So yeah, I got my vomit on everybody's clothes. HAHA. I didn't even know I kept vomitting. Really. I realised that I've got a swollen forehead, a scratch on my nose and some bruises on my elbow. They said I fell straight to the ground on my head for a few times and had difficulties making me sober =/ They splashed cold water all over me and slapped me hard but it didn't work. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I was still deep in my sleep, I guess. Million apologies especially to Shafawi! Some embarassing moments happened which I can't mention here. Damn embarassed to say it here.

Hai, Raf actually recorded a few videos of me being darn crazy. Thought of uploading it but nooooooo. I look really pathetic _|_ Hahahahaha.

Okay I updated a whole lot more on my tumblr. Too lazy to type more over here. Mum's coming home on Monday. Yay! But there's school for 2 weeks. Real bummer. Pretty obvious that I'm so gonna have to devote my time to Art once again. Let's prepare for the depressing time thats coming ahead of me -.-

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