Friday, July 31, 2009

i need money

Okay joy because it's Friday! Raf finally came to school and I finally get to run on the threadmill again. Okay so.. uhmm, English report writing was okay but am not that confident. SS was like bloody hell hahahaha not really. I hope I'll at least pass it? Anyways, thanks Ian for the ANGELS&DEMONS book hahaha i hope it's interesting. Am probably getting my 100bux on weekends. (I RLY HOPE SO) I wanna go out but sadly, I have no money. MONEY IS EVERYTHING!!!! I have to start saving for end of year plans (once again). And I need to go shopppping for new clothes. HAHAHAHHAAHA okay pathetic.

I passed my Maths topical test. Haha, surprisingly lah. Tomorrow's plan- To Delya's younger sister birthday celebration @ Pasir Ris. Idk if I can go as I only have $2 with me now. (told you, money is e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g) Uhh okay, I'll probably go if Mum gives me the green light.

Hahahahah guess what? Mum bought sushi again! Yay sushi for dinner (Y) Fucking tempting. OFF NOW!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Book cover of the new series, Tempted! Woah, Erik looks hot. Ok am soooo gonna buy it!

I feel depressed because common tests are finally here. I'm tight for time. I HAVE/MUST to study for tomorrow's SS test. Can't afford to fail. But uhhhh, thinking about studying makes me feel really reaaaaally lazy hahahaha wth I know. I'm delaying the time for me to go jogging. Sucks. Raf haven't been in school for 2 days now and the same goes for the gym. TWO DAYS ALREADY. Okay my life is so depressing hahahahaa. FML.

So basically, Shafawi and Faidz kept on reanacting scenes from Harry Poter series. They were at it for half the day. How crazy haahhaahah can't believe someone is so fanatic! O.O

Tomorrow's the last day of July!!! Then say Hello to August. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy, so sexcited.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


looks gooooooooooooooood. hahaahhaha boys will surely want to watch this.


*yawns* School is making me freaking sick and restless and annoyed and moodless. Failed my recent maths test about the curve graphs (is it?) and I have to sit for a re-test this Thursday. Plus I have to stay back till 4 tomorrow after school for Geography. So shitty. It'll just be a damn waste of time... Sighs.. I really really can't wait to leave secondary school lah okay. I feel so lifeless hahahhaahah I wanna go out now and go watch a movie or something. Sunday how uh Rafiqah?


Monday, July 27, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

$$$$$ please?

(hahahahhaha ok I'm like into this flashing images thingy)

I swear that I'm so damn pissed with myself. The new shopping mall @ Orchard really made me feel like buying EVERYTHING. And I basically felt stupid because I have no damn money to buy what I want -.- The tees at MetroX are like wowwwwwwwwww. I likey. Ughhh, fuck this, why wasn't I born rich? HAHAHAHAHAH okay pathetic. I ate tom yam noodle @ Noo's Thai Recipe, which costs $10.90, so expensive already. But then it's like super yummy. Kinda worth it 'cos it's super spicyyyyyyyyy that I was in tears by the time I left the shop... I've decided to follow Del and Raf to the airport or wherever tomorrow since it's been sooooo long that I've done so :) Studying Maths (i hope so)


the best


Sorry if I constantly showed my bloody tantrums/shit face to ALL of you. Sorry if my attitude pissed you off. Sorry if you felt like I don't like you as a friend. Sorry if I've ever been self-centered, selfish or whatever. But sometimes I get a little sensitive and what not, thinking that maybe, probably, that one of you guys don't like me as well. Can't help it. But yet, above all that, I'm still thankful for having all of you as my friends. Sorry for any misunderstanding, fucked up behaviours/mood swings. P/S: If I appear to be annoyed or having a mood change, just ignore me (thats what Raf does) :P Ily♥ (hahahahaha don't mind me)

Anyways, the reason why I've decided to post about this is because.. I think we're somehow drifting apart, too. Right? Ugh :( Is it me?

Friday, July 24, 2009

sugarcane juice

I'm drinking sugarcane juice and watching the chinese drama. I'm so so so glad that today's finally Friday so that I can sleep till a little late tomorrow. How nice..... I seriously have nothing in my head to blog about other than my usual routine (which you'd most probably find boring if i were to mention it everyday). Weekends are now totally pointless for me besides the fact that it's an advantage. I seldom go out with anyone at all. And if I do, it'll always be with Raf ahhaahahha. I think I'm M.I.A, somehow. I seem to get annoyed so easily lately, maybe because my menses is on its way O.O Ok, I predict I'm gonna hit the sack by 11pm tonight. Damn early!! But what to do right? So exhausted already.. Why do some people moan while trying to lift weights? HAHAHAAHAHH!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

luke worrell

Freakin' hot!

Again, I ate sushi for dinner. Thanks Mum. All thanks to my classmate, I was having a strong craving for it. Hahahahah yummy. I think I've been sleeping early these days, probably because of gym gym and gym. Ugh sucks. Today's Elective Module was as boring as boring could be -.- Sighzzzzz. I feel like drinking milk now. Hahahah and I lost close to 2kg. Hahahahahaa. Btw, I know this is getting pretty boring bcause I don't even know what to update on. I hate Maths (no I don't). Graphs make me sick!

Chinese dramas are getting a tad bit boring nowadays.
How sad :(

And yes, I do feel the same way as Raf.
(nvm if you don't understand HA)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

racial harmony day pictures

Pictures (press this)

(Ok so I deleted all of the pictures because it was taking too much space and some people may be unhappy, so... just press on the link if you wanna see k?)

Not forgetting videos of two wannabe models HAHAHAHAHAH

Sunday, July 19, 2009

crank 2

Looks sick. Anyone knows if it's showing in cinemas already? It says on Yahoo Movies that it's rated G (hard to believe) but when I saw the trailer it says R21 -_______- Must watch!!

mundane life

Good afternoon. Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince was fine. 2 and a half hours in the cinema. I think this series is the least exciting of all. There weren't much action and such. So yea, quite a dissapointment to me. Haha! Today I woke at 6.30 in the early morning to go for a jog. After that I went to sleep again... until I heard my phone ringing non stop. With my eyes half closed, I picked up my phone. It was Rafiqah. Hahahahahah sorry eh. Planned to go to East Point to sell her phone but *coughs*, someone suddenly became lazy -.- Nvm, I'm lazy too.

Time is 2:00pm. I haven't showered. Wanted to do so but Uncle is in the bathroom. Okok, I shall go now I guessssssss. Sighs, Mum wanted me to accompany her to Auntie Shirley's house @ Jurong today but too bad it's too far for me. She even said to me that since I don't wanna go, perhaps if she asks Clifford to come along, I'll follow. Hahahahahah even my own mother does that >.< Hmmmmmmmm...

Back to school again tomorrow :( Sucks.
One more month to fasting month!!!! Exciteddddd. Can't wait for hari raya.
Okay my cousin owes me starbucks because I've finally beaten him in Crazy Taxi

Maggi for lunch.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

smacking tired

Ahhh yesssss, finally am able to blog! I'm dead tired.. Busy with school, busy with gym, busy with emotional stuffs. Plus, I had my ways to figure out the password for my user account. Mum's getting all sensitive these days.. And I'm pissed off by that. Fortunately, I was still able to hold on or else I'll totally lose my cool, hahahah.

My conversation with her:

Me: Ma, why now you like so sensitive? Mood swings uh?!
Mum: What? What moodswings?
Me: Ya, your mood so fast change.
Mum: It's you who made my mood change

But then again, maybe she's feeling okay now because she just called to ask if I still wanted to watch harry potter today. I said yes, of course. So okay, can't wait!!! Harry Potter, here I come. My leg muscles are aching soooo badly :( And I already feel so bad about not going to the gym todayyy. I don't know if I'll have the time to go jogging later also. HAH?

Art lessons sucks. big. time. Stupid old grumpy Abu. I realised that old men are not fitted to be a teacher. Refering to my art and Malay teacher. Old people are way too grumpy to teach. Worse thing is, I'll have to bear with him for another half a year. Hahahaha die lah.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


SCHOOL IS BORING!!!! Raf accompanied me to Tpy to have our lunch and to enquire some stuffs about the gym @ the stadium... Found out that the gym is under construction and only will open end of this week.... I hate Maths because it's stressing me out like idk wth. Bye am going for jogging in 30 minutes... :( (shit, mum is back!)

Monday, July 13, 2009

hey monday

So Mum didn't change the password. I think I'm just lucky that she forgot to change it. I am so so so so very tired and drained and tired. Shouldn't have taken (inserts word) again. How much I regretted. Ok? After school, had lunch @ Punggol Plaza and made a last minute decision to go over to Ada's place. And I swear it was sooo random. Raf did her 'so called' Maths revision/homework while I rested on the bed. Shit, there's art tomorrow _|_ Double fuck. I'm starting to hate Art now bcos of the dumb teacher. How? And I bloody teared the drawing paper Mr Abu gave. Superb.

*yawns* Very sleepy already :(
It's only 9.40pm please.
& When will I ever get to buy BOF's dvd set?

harper's island

I just wanna say that the ending was kind of shitty. Didn't expect Henry to be the killer. Shocking. But overall, the series was okay lah. Henry's hot what ^^ Hahahah it's past midnight and I'm still not asleep. (Y) I'll have a hard time waking up tomorrow, for sure. & I've yet to get a high score in Crazy Taxi. It's pissing me off. Wahab says that he's gonna treat me to something if I get anything higher than his score. Hahaha, never, I guess. Hope to see you soon, cousin! Kkkk, I'm hitting the sack now. Or my eyebags might get even worse O.O

Be back on Friday. I can't use the pc on school days.
(Mum's golden rule. She WILL ALWAYS change the password on Mondays)
So goodnight.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

kill me pls

I give up in using a skin from because it either screws up or I don't find it satisfying. Sooooo, back to this normal skin. I think I'm grounded since I came home past my curfew time last Friday. Do you know how much that sucks? 2 days, being stucked at home is definitely enough for me. So damn bored that I feel so fucking restless. I don't know if going to school is something positive or something that will make things worse -.- Ha ha ha ha, okay shit lame. Of course it's something positive. I get to study (not) and at least I'm outside. Am currently watching 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians'.

Robert Kardashian. Hot or.. what?

In 3D!!! In theatres on 27th August. I don't care if it's NC16, I'm still gonna watch it! (i have my ways)

I have to start saving for the eoy holidays plans! Hotelllll sleepover, bitch! HAHAHAA. So shit, I need to start saving seriously. VVVVV, here i come. (nvm if you don't understand)

P/S: 4 Days to Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Sorry to those who can't see what they're typing on my tagboard. Ha ha ha. I can only use the computer on Saturdays and Sunday mornings for now. I hope I can live without it. (k kidding) Was out with Ada, Nis, Del and Raf yesterday. Catched 'The Haunting In Connecticut' at The Cathay. The movie was okay, and as usual, I laughed most of the time. Still, there were shocking parts. Ha ha ha, the lead actor (maybe?) is HOT!

I just found out that there is a gym @ Toa Payoh's Swimming Complex. But I can't really confirm it yet. But yet, I suppose there is. Mum told me so. Am gonna check out later in the afternoon so that I won't have to go to the one at Sengkang anymore. I'm so excited for the upcoming fasting month!!! And then followed by Hari Raya. Ha ha ha, $$$$$, who's not excited mannnnn? Are you?

Okay toodles. I think I have to change my blogskin since the tagboard's transparency is affecting those who're using firefox.

Presenting Faidz's hidden talent...


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

have guts


Sorry, random picture. And fuck, plans to go to the gym was cancelled as I had no one to accompany me since Ada 'killed' her leg for the third time. It was bleeding like no one's business, so me being a kind soul, decided to let her go home. Hahaha joking. Raf didn't come to school today. Thanks alot lah ok? =/ Btw, why must there be so many nice skins?!?!?! Now I don't know which one to use. Am probably gonna change and change and change till I'm satisfied.


I finally decided to use this one. Kind of classy, HAHAHAH. Well hopefully I won't change it again. I'm feeling much better now. Less of the-blocked-nose-kind-of-voice. But throat is still itchy though. I have to bring a fruit for Art lesson tomorrow. That (probably senile) old Mr Abu and his lame/silly ideas. And I bet he will come up with more (not funny) jokes tomorrow. It sucks.

Elective Module was a-okay. Had to do some acting. Learnt about how customers are always right and etc. The hair, the nails, the mouth, the clothes, all of them matters when you are a RSA. (Y)

Don't hate tag someone whom you really hate or you consider as your enemy if you don't have the guts to tag with your real name, ok? Hate also for what, no fucking guts to let yourself known. Why act all ferocious behind the computer screen? If you hate that someone because of his/her looks, that's downright dumb. How old are you?


I saw myself on teevee last night and I looked like O.O I can't believe I was laughing like a clown.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today, I felt sick as hell. My voice sounds so... i don't know how to describe it but I think I sound like someone with a blocked nose. I had sort of a headache and I feel feverish (when I'm not). Okay, get my drift? Ha ha ha -.- *coughs* Ok no, I just coughed hhahahah kay lame. School was boringgggg x infinity shit. But still, I'm forever laughing. Tomorrow, am going to the gym after what seemed like ages. Hopefully this will go on and on till Hari Raya. Kay yay. Must give me support HAHAHA bye.

P/S: Ian's birthday tomorrow uh?! Happy advanced birthday lorrrr ^^ aahahahha

Monday, July 6, 2009

rainy day

I wasn't able to get through for the past few hours. Great.. And now I'm finally able to! I've changed my blogskin for idk how many times. I can't seem to be satisfied with any of them. Not even this one. I think I'm gonna change it again later. I'm sick sick sick sicko >.< I can't really sleep @ night due to heavy flow of muscus. I currently have a runny nose + gastic pain + pain in the throat (haha) I'm finally sick after ages not being sick. (okay i need a tissue mannnn) Anyways, back to school tomorrow. Not really looking forward to it. Adding to my misery is the incomplete design for my cca tee shirt. Deadline is by Wednesday. Ok! I must start on it! Btw, I was practially freaking nervous when Fairuz asked why I was jealous >.< And so I told him why. Embarassed...... Ugh I don't know why jealousy striked. But nevermind..

It's raining again today. I don't feel cold at all. In fact, I was sweating earlier. Why? I don't know. I've just come to a conclusion that going to school is wayyyyy better than being stucked at home, feeling all depressed and bored to death. Raf called me moments ago. The conversation didn't even last for a minute. She called me just to say that we're meeting at the same place, same time tomorrow morning. Ha ha ha, but it's okay. I hope it rains again tomorrow! I'd be happy.


Sunday, July 5, 2009


I'm making it a point to blog regularly. But I really have nothing in mind to blog about these days. It's like I'm clueless. Haha but seriously. I'm now stucked at home for 3 days already. Raf didn't contact me today which means something must've cropped up at home. It's okay it's okayyyyy. Anyway, Happy Youth Day! (not much on an impact to most of us but oh well) At least we've got a day off from school. I hope I'll have plans to go out tomorrow or that Raf will contact me aspa. I'm literally bored at home! So depressing. And one more thing, I feel like as though I'm still having holidays. Ugh, I need to get back on track! Bear with it mannnn, just a few more months to go before EOY exams and we can enjoy.

I watched the 2009 BET Awards earlier.
One word- Boring.
Ada should know how I feel about it. HAHAH.

Nis is probably having fun @ Johor. Whereas I'm forever at home doing meaningless stuffs and gaining more fucking pounds. Low life whaaaaat. Okay, on a lighter note, I've been spending time doing the designs for my Angklung Ensemble's tee shirt. What a hassssle, especially when Raf's not working with me. Not forgetting that I'm not creative at all. Nice.

Btw, Zack & Cody are all grown up now! Wow.




But I prefer Dylan to Cole 'cus he looks more like Zac Efron. HAHAHA.

Friday, July 3, 2009

singtel shoot

I know I look different with the make up. Haha anyways, he's my 'datuk' in the commercial.

Yesterday's shooting was awesome! Reached home @ 11.30pm, took a cab with the make up artist, Shikin. Thanks for paying the fare! So much for being nervous, eh? All thanks to the crew during the set. They're really really funny people! During the scene that I was supposed to laugh, they were the one who made me laugh actually. (At first, my laughter seemed so FAKe that my cheeks are aching) Hahaha so yeah, I enjoyed. But apologies to Nis, Raf & Del for waiting so long. I earned 100 bucks just for two scenes. Good deal since it's my first time. Waiting for Kak Gee to accept my request so that I can grab the photos, hehehe.

Didn't go to school today due to tiredness (hah?). Plus! It's Youth Day on Monday so we youngsters got 3 days off from school. Yay, so happy. Raf came over to my place to TRY doing our tee shirt design for the Angklung Ensemble. Kinda failed... Cos we have no clue ?_? Probably going out on Sunday to catch Transformers 2. Say whaaaat? Hahaha yes finally!!!! But idk if Raf is willing to sit in the cinema for 2 and a half hours. Shia LaBeouf's hot!