Saturday, July 25, 2009

$$$$$ please?

(hahahahhaha ok I'm like into this flashing images thingy)

I swear that I'm so damn pissed with myself. The new shopping mall @ Orchard really made me feel like buying EVERYTHING. And I basically felt stupid because I have no damn money to buy what I want -.- The tees at MetroX are like wowwwwwwwwww. I likey. Ughhh, fuck this, why wasn't I born rich? HAHAHAHAHAH okay pathetic. I ate tom yam noodle @ Noo's Thai Recipe, which costs $10.90, so expensive already. But then it's like super yummy. Kinda worth it 'cos it's super spicyyyyyyyyy that I was in tears by the time I left the shop... I've decided to follow Del and Raf to the airport or wherever tomorrow since it's been sooooo long that I've done so :) Studying Maths (i hope so)


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