Friday, July 3, 2009

singtel shoot

I know I look different with the make up. Haha anyways, he's my 'datuk' in the commercial.

Yesterday's shooting was awesome! Reached home @ 11.30pm, took a cab with the make up artist, Shikin. Thanks for paying the fare! So much for being nervous, eh? All thanks to the crew during the set. They're really really funny people! During the scene that I was supposed to laugh, they were the one who made me laugh actually. (At first, my laughter seemed so FAKe that my cheeks are aching) Hahaha so yeah, I enjoyed. But apologies to Nis, Raf & Del for waiting so long. I earned 100 bucks just for two scenes. Good deal since it's my first time. Waiting for Kak Gee to accept my request so that I can grab the photos, hehehe.

Didn't go to school today due to tiredness (hah?). Plus! It's Youth Day on Monday so we youngsters got 3 days off from school. Yay, so happy. Raf came over to my place to TRY doing our tee shirt design for the Angklung Ensemble. Kinda failed... Cos we have no clue ?_? Probably going out on Sunday to catch Transformers 2. Say whaaaat? Hahaha yes finally!!!! But idk if Raf is willing to sit in the cinema for 2 and a half hours. Shia LaBeouf's hot!

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