Wednesday, July 8, 2009

have guts


Sorry, random picture. And fuck, plans to go to the gym was cancelled as I had no one to accompany me since Ada 'killed' her leg for the third time. It was bleeding like no one's business, so me being a kind soul, decided to let her go home. Hahaha joking. Raf didn't come to school today. Thanks alot lah ok? =/ Btw, why must there be so many nice skins?!?!?! Now I don't know which one to use. Am probably gonna change and change and change till I'm satisfied.


I finally decided to use this one. Kind of classy, HAHAHAH. Well hopefully I won't change it again. I'm feeling much better now. Less of the-blocked-nose-kind-of-voice. But throat is still itchy though. I have to bring a fruit for Art lesson tomorrow. That (probably senile) old Mr Abu and his lame/silly ideas. And I bet he will come up with more (not funny) jokes tomorrow. It sucks.

Elective Module was a-okay. Had to do some acting. Learnt about how customers are always right and etc. The hair, the nails, the mouth, the clothes, all of them matters when you are a RSA. (Y)

Don't hate tag someone whom you really hate or you consider as your enemy if you don't have the guts to tag with your real name, ok? Hate also for what, no fucking guts to let yourself known. Why act all ferocious behind the computer screen? If you hate that someone because of his/her looks, that's downright dumb. How old are you?


I saw myself on teevee last night and I looked like O.O I can't believe I was laughing like a clown.

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