Monday, August 31, 2009


I shall not be in the who-cares-it's-teachers'-day? kind of attitude.

And soooo...


Today was fine. 2nd day of bazaar was not as fun as last Friday's but it's okay... Teachers day concert was good, I think. I enjoyed the singing performances.

After school, me and Raf trained to town and had our so called lunch @ Puncak, Far east plaza. Hahahaha, couldn't be bothered to feel ashamed anymore so yea. And something freaky happened. We were walking when Raf's double chocolate kinda spilled on my bag straps so we stopped at the bus stop to get it cleaned up when... this old uncle suddenly talked to us. He was talking about school? Saying that he was from a malay school and that it was fun being in one? Raf was entertaning him all the way whereas I showed him the -.- look. Bla3, we walked away and WE WERE SURE THAT HE WAS STILL AT THE BUS STOP WHEN WE LEFT. To our fucking surprise, we saw him going down the escalator when we reaching up. If you were in your shoes, wouldn't you freak out? FUCKING FREAKY. He even waved at us. Trust me that it's not possible for him to be ahead of us so fast. And another weird thing is, when he went down, he went up the escalator again. When we sensed something was wrong, we quickly ran as fast as we could (HAHAHA), yes. WE SAW HIM AGAIN, THIS TIME, ENTERING FAR EAST PLAZA. FUCK YOU, IT WAS SO SCARY LAH. So we're still wondering, just who the fuck is he? SCARY SHITZZZZZZ.

Then Raf came over to my place and we camwhored like shit shit shit hardcore shit. Will upload the pictures tomorrow :) Tomorrow = NO SCHOOL = MUST GO OUT.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

rainy days


Hi. Today I'm having stomach cramps. Finally having my menses! Lucky me. I made a promise to Nis, Ada and Delya that I wouldn't be tempted by ANYTHING in the bazaar tomorrow and not to break my fast but since I'm already having 'it', hehehe sorry kay? Yay another privilege... Can't wait for the second round of bazaar tomorrow! So fun. Uhh okay so my stomach hurts like shit. And why the fuck does it rain every single day in August? o.O

I WANNA WATCH ANBERLIN PERFORM LATER!!!! But I think I won't..... Just look at the circumstances. Tak kan gi sorang? (surely not go alone?)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

i want i want i want

Hi, I'm such an angry person. Yesterday's plan of buying at least a baju raya failed. It's either too tight, too loose, the shop owner's not to Mum's liking or Mum would say that the clothes there were too crappy. So well, as usual, I had a change in mood and was totally moodless. I told her that I didn't want to go on anymore and we went home. The person who ended up buying something was Mum -.- Ugh was so pissed last night. Hopefully when we go to Geylang again next week, this shit won't happen.

Okay, hehe Mum asked me this earlier.

"What do you want? A new handphone or a camera?"

(she does know whats on my list)

I replied, "I don't know" but of course after much thinking, I knew I wanted a camera lah! HAHAH

So right now I'm stucked between this 3 choices:

Olympus E-P1 (which is so sexy)

Canon EOS 500D

Canon EOS 1000d

Err, yah thats it. But I am so confused -.- hahahahah.

Anyways, today marks the one week of fasting! Yay, three more weeks to go. Bye.

P/S: 8 more days.

Friday, August 28, 2009

happy day

*widens eyes big big big big* HEE BURNIN'.

So today, (i suppose) was one of those days when I really thought about nothing in school. Stress-fress since there were no lessons. Well, literally. Especially when I had the privilege to skip Maths lesson. THUMBS UP! (To Ian too) Okay, the bazaar was FUN! The recess shift was okay. Alot of people bought the ice blended and popcorn. We kept shouting, HAHAHA. I loved it. Then, the best part, was the after school part. There were lots and lots and lots of people ordering for the ice blended thingy, I tell you. Oh btw ah, I broke my fast halfway during the bazaar because the ice blended drinks were too tempting!!! Really. And it wasn't only me -.- Sorry, I promise not to give in to my temptations again ok? Back to the story- Had ice wars after school with Ian, Ada, Sudirman and gang. Throwing ice at each other and putting them into each other's shirts. Hahahahah so lame... Sec 3 already, what is this? HAHAH! But the best thing of all best things that happened is that my class earned $400!!! Cheers :)

And.. I have to mention this.


8 more days to 15th.

Monday, August 24, 2009

cough cough

I've been coughing since Shafawi got sick in class, hahaha! But realy, my throat's so so itchy. And I find it rather funny that I've not been sick for this whole year already! Ugh so weird. I want to have fever so much. Because I just like the feeling of having it. Please please please -.- Hahahaha okay stupid. I can't wait to break my fast. Only left with 13 more minutes. I only ate bread with sardines for my pre-dawn meal so that explains why I feel so damn hungry. Soooo, there's like air kathira (MY FAVE!), mee hoon, lontong and kuih in the kitchen. How interesting.. I think I like to eat malay delicacies during the fasting month (Y) *coughs*

Had geography re-test after school and I'm sure to fail it even worse than the actual one! What to do right.. Plus, that alone wasted my time so I didn't go to the gym today. Thanks alot.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

controlling my emotions

Okay so basically I'm so pissed with my bloody internet/computer or whatever it is thats making things so hard for me. Ugh SH*&@Y*(E#YYY*!!!!! And I've been trying not to fishing curse...

2nd Day of fasting- FINE. I haven't felt the hunger pangs yet. Good for me.

Today's just boringgggggg to the core. Been watching the teevee, playing the computer and sleeping. I hope that tomorrow's gonna be a better day. Want to go to the gym >.< hahahahah but Mum already told me strictly not to go :P We'll see then. Okay boooring, I've nothing to blog about.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

i need to watch


Sucks to be only 15 when all the great movies are rated NC16/M18/R21 :(

HALLOWEEN 2- (in cinemas on 22nd october) I F******* MUST WATCH THIS!

TRAILER (points down)




ALICE IN WONDERLAND (which premieres on 5th March 2010 HAHAHAHAHA)

So okay enough about movies. First day of fasting- So far, so good. But I'm starting to feel hungry already. Am gonna bear with it. I mean of course, it's only the first day lah for goodness sake. HAHA. 4 more hours to go!!!! Yum. Oh btw, I've not said any 'bad' word for the whole day, hahaha. Okayyyy I'm gonna look @ pictures of really delicious food on now. So bored.. I actually drooled when I saw this picture of Sushis :( Tempted tempted tempted but no.

Look at this >

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

fuck off

Hi, I don't know what to blog about. So it's just me and the computer right now. My mind's totally blank, hahaha. Oh! Something came to mind- Fasting is just 4 days away. Damn excited for it. I bought dates from Ada this morning. I don't understand why most of my classmates don't like to eat them. Nice whaaat? Okay, what else? *thinks* Sorry if this gets boring.. Everthing else is fine, except for something.

Lessons in school are as per normal. Ian being a nutcase, Ada being lame + acting cute and the rest with their corny jokes. But it's okay, I've gotten used to that. Hahaha :) Maths class felt so tensed, principal decided to observe the class what. At first, it was just too quiet for me. Not used to that.

Bla bla bla. is just sick. Thanks Faidz. HAHAHA.

Our friendship is really going down the drain. I don't think there's a need for either of us to even try to salvage it. I find it pointless. Can you see it? Ok, whether or not you/I tried to have better communication, do you think it's working? I think no. And therefore, maybe you should talk only when it's THAT important ok? This is getting irritating, so yah. No offence, fyi, I have hard feelings. And I wonder if people are using me. Like, they're friends with me to gain something from it. No, am not refering to the same person. You only talk to me if you want something, right? Ah, omg I forgot, you're someone's close friend. Just fuck off two faced souls. I realised that I can only trust 2 people in this world- One, my mother. Two, Rafiqah :D

Sunday, August 16, 2009

botanic garden + the orphan

Before starting on anything else, I wanna talk about the movie! It is realllly realllly reallly WORTH the watch! No wonder it's rated NC16 mannnnn. It's so full of violence and gore stuffs that I had the chills. I swear our row of seats were the noisiest! I don't even think the rest of the people there made any remarks. Hehe, me, Ada and Athira couldn't stop cursing and shouting and bla3. How cute of us -.- So anyways, you should catch it out if you haven't! If you're below 16, go watch @ Orchard Cineleisure. Confirm can get through one! (HAHAHA i was actually afraid that we couldn't get in bcos solehin & athira looks young but... YAY!) 5/5 for the movie! AWESOME AS HELLLL. Okay, enough.

The picnic @ Botanic Gardens was okay. Our trip there was kinda hell-ish. Sweated like mad (expected it) and had to walk a longer way. The bags we were carrying = MASSIVE WEIGHT. Now my left shoulder is aching :( How sad. Anyways, we changed our sitting spots three times. First, because of the insects crawling all over. Second, because of the sun. Fortunately, the last spot was perfect. Ate and ate, and after awhile my stomach was bloating. I felt like vomitting. So not comfortable. My stomach felt so bloated for the next few hours _|_

(blogger takes too nuch time uploading pictures from Ada's camera.)


Next to watch- The Final Destination 4 in 3D.

charles guislain


p/s: sorry. but i had to blog about it :(

Saturday, August 15, 2009

a fact

Hi, you're so hot. who's drooling now? HAHAHAHA.

Okay but seriously, he's hot. But I think Koreans/Japanese are way cuter. Hahaha shut up. Today is Saturday and really really boring. I've been having a stomachache since an hour ago and I'm not doing anything about it. I need to go to the toilet this second! Wait, I can bear with it. So basically, I've nothing to blog about for today except for the fact that I've been drinking alot of home made fruit juices made by Mum. My favourite is: Green apple + Orange + Starfruits. Ahhhh, tastes like heaven!

It's almost 8pm now. Gonna chill for awhile then head out for a jog. Tomorrow's the picnic! I'm just hoping that the weather is gonna be fine. Good luck to me if it gets too scorching hot because I will sweat like a fucking (inserts animal). Hehehe btw, a kitten went in my house in the wee hours when my father opened the door. Mum woke me up just to tell me about it. I woke up and played with it forawhile. Guess what? When I put it outside, it went back in again. For 4 TIMES!!! Sorry little kitty but I had to put you somewhere further. I ran back to my house in case it follows me back :( SORRY. DIDN'T MEAN IT. Hmmph, so yea.

How sexy is my zodiac sign? - Virgo- The Virgin
Dominant in relationships. Sexy. someone loves them right now. Freak in bed. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Intellectual. Attractive. Loud. Loyal. Easy to to. Hard to forget Love at first sight. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. Ultimate sexiness.

-taken from FACEBOOK.


And and and, I have something interesting to talk about. That is... my mclaren is faster than a lamborghini marcielago. How cute.

Friday, August 14, 2009

green apples + starfruit + oranges

Friday! Yesssss! But it's just too bad Mum did not give me the green light to go out today :( Like UGH. So I finally passed my 2.4km run! FINALLY! 17 minutes. Before I started running, I thought for sure I wouldn't make it. Hahahah thanks Ada for running with me for 1 round. *coughs* I was already perspiring like one mad pig after that. Hmm, lets see what else happened....

Oh yeh, I got 34/60 for my Malay test. Like Mr Muhd said, "Surprising eh."

Okayyyy, nothing interesting these days. I like fresh fruit juices. Mum has this machine that does it and I like it -.- Am excited for Sunday's picnic. Raf wants bapak to cook his fucking spicy fried rice on that day!

Oh I remembered about this conversation I had with some guy two days ago:

Me and Raf were walking to the 159 bus thingy when we saw this guy (he's gd looking fyi AHAHHA) looking as if he wanted to approach us:

Him: Melayu eh?
Raf: Erm yah
Him: Kat sini ade bus pgi hougang int?
Raf: *thinks*
Me: Er tkder, kat luar nye bus stop ader.
Him: Eh melayu eh? Muke ciner habis?
Me: Ah2.
Him: Serious?


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

sorted out

I feel kind of relieved talking it out. Hopefully things will work out, somehow? It's almost 11 now. I have to do something before I go to bed, zzzz. Anyways, I managed to score a two digit number for my Maths test. 10/25. I know it's still a fail but wtv lah, I was soooo confident that I'm gonna get smth less than 5, so yeah. I am annoyed with myself because I think I sleep dead (tidor mati). Or rather, sleep like a log that I can't even hear the alarm ringing for the past two days. How shitty! I've been waking up at 6, which leads to me rushing and such. Apologies to Ada and Raf to keep you galz waiting.

Booooring. Booooooring.

Friday- Orphan/The Hangover
Sunday- Picnic = ♥

Okay bye. Totally not looking forward for school. My eyes were dropping during EM's lesson. Damn steam I tell you.




Ugh yes, guess what? Mum said plans of buying that phone tmr might be postponed. Noooooooooooo not fair HAHAHAHAHAHA -.-

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



My heart sank when I found out Mum bought this phone. Then I asked her if we could exchange phones, but as expected, NO. But........ I'm gonna buy the exact same one (silver instead of red) on Thursday! Am gonna change to line. No more prepaid cards. Well, I hope so. So damn happppppppy. Today after gym, Raf wanted to go over to Tpy. Then we like so clueless, there's nothing that's really interesting in Toa Payoh I swear. Walked around, went to Popular and browsed through recipe books only to drool at the pictures (HAHA!) and bought some delicacies from Bengawan Solo. Such fun! Not.

I'm so hyped out about the upcoming fasting month. It's like in two weeks!!!! Shopping for new baju kurungs are even more exciting. Okay best to the core. Not forgetting the (kachings kachings) = $$$$ that we'll be getting. Hahahahaha okay over reacting.

i wanna be free. hahahahaha!

And to Hilmi, ah angkat aku lah kau.


Monday, August 10, 2009

(inserts mood)

My back fucking aches.
I don't know wth to do now.
So fucking bored.
Life's so boring.
Thought of going out with Raf but I would like to thank her for 'contacting' me.
And how great, back to school tomorrow.
Yay i am so very happy!!!!!
Fuck offffff, I am so not very happy.
I think I'm gonna delete this blog.
Ouch, some people are just way intimidating.
Or shall I say great pretenders? Hahahahah.
But on a lighter note, I finally got my 100bucks for my pay.
That is something to be happy about ^^

Sunday, August 9, 2009


How can I forget to mention about this?
How can I even think it's not this Mercedes SLR Mclaren roadster that I saw?
Hahahah fuck yes, I actually saw my dream car right before my eyes last week!

happy 44th birthday, Singapore

I was too exhausted to blog last night. I was out with Mum and Mark Angelo (a son of Mum's close friend) Okay, the exciting part was the shopping. Am stressed because I have no money :( HAHAHAHAH. My heart's still not satisfied yet so yah. I think I should start saving up for another shopping spree. Topshop ♥_♥ Damn nice. Ate our dinner @ Pepper Lunch (i think?).

And so... This was what I ordered.

Everything was okay except for the lots and lots of corn. (I find corn disgusting)

Walked around aimlessly and it seems to me that everywhere I go, there's bound to be a Topshop. Hahahahah is that a sign? -.- Oooh, small kids are annoying. FOR SURE. Mark kept wandering elsewhere when we were doing shopping. I swear it's REALLY frustrating bcos sometimes he'll just sit at a hidden corner. UGH. When I get pissed off, I just left him alone. HHAAHAHAH.

Since everyone's doing it,