Monday, August 31, 2009


I shall not be in the who-cares-it's-teachers'-day? kind of attitude.

And soooo...


Today was fine. 2nd day of bazaar was not as fun as last Friday's but it's okay... Teachers day concert was good, I think. I enjoyed the singing performances.

After school, me and Raf trained to town and had our so called lunch @ Puncak, Far east plaza. Hahahaha, couldn't be bothered to feel ashamed anymore so yea. And something freaky happened. We were walking when Raf's double chocolate kinda spilled on my bag straps so we stopped at the bus stop to get it cleaned up when... this old uncle suddenly talked to us. He was talking about school? Saying that he was from a malay school and that it was fun being in one? Raf was entertaning him all the way whereas I showed him the -.- look. Bla3, we walked away and WE WERE SURE THAT HE WAS STILL AT THE BUS STOP WHEN WE LEFT. To our fucking surprise, we saw him going down the escalator when we reaching up. If you were in your shoes, wouldn't you freak out? FUCKING FREAKY. He even waved at us. Trust me that it's not possible for him to be ahead of us so fast. And another weird thing is, when he went down, he went up the escalator again. When we sensed something was wrong, we quickly ran as fast as we could (HAHAHA), yes. WE SAW HIM AGAIN, THIS TIME, ENTERING FAR EAST PLAZA. FUCK YOU, IT WAS SO SCARY LAH. So we're still wondering, just who the fuck is he? SCARY SHITZZZZZZ.

Then Raf came over to my place and we camwhored like shit shit shit hardcore shit. Will upload the pictures tomorrow :) Tomorrow = NO SCHOOL = MUST GO OUT.

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