Sunday, August 9, 2009

happy 44th birthday, Singapore

I was too exhausted to blog last night. I was out with Mum and Mark Angelo (a son of Mum's close friend) Okay, the exciting part was the shopping. Am stressed because I have no money :( HAHAHAHAH. My heart's still not satisfied yet so yah. I think I should start saving up for another shopping spree. Topshop ♥_♥ Damn nice. Ate our dinner @ Pepper Lunch (i think?).

And so... This was what I ordered.

Everything was okay except for the lots and lots of corn. (I find corn disgusting)

Walked around aimlessly and it seems to me that everywhere I go, there's bound to be a Topshop. Hahahahah is that a sign? -.- Oooh, small kids are annoying. FOR SURE. Mark kept wandering elsewhere when we were doing shopping. I swear it's REALLY frustrating bcos sometimes he'll just sit at a hidden corner. UGH. When I get pissed off, I just left him alone. HHAAHAHAH.

Since everyone's doing it,

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