Friday, August 28, 2009

happy day

*widens eyes big big big big* HEE BURNIN'.

So today, (i suppose) was one of those days when I really thought about nothing in school. Stress-fress since there were no lessons. Well, literally. Especially when I had the privilege to skip Maths lesson. THUMBS UP! (To Ian too) Okay, the bazaar was FUN! The recess shift was okay. Alot of people bought the ice blended and popcorn. We kept shouting, HAHAHA. I loved it. Then, the best part, was the after school part. There were lots and lots and lots of people ordering for the ice blended thingy, I tell you. Oh btw ah, I broke my fast halfway during the bazaar because the ice blended drinks were too tempting!!! Really. And it wasn't only me -.- Sorry, I promise not to give in to my temptations again ok? Back to the story- Had ice wars after school with Ian, Ada, Sudirman and gang. Throwing ice at each other and putting them into each other's shirts. Hahahahah so lame... Sec 3 already, what is this? HAHAH! But the best thing of all best things that happened is that my class earned $400!!! Cheers :)

And.. I have to mention this.


8 more days to 15th.

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