Tuesday, August 4, 2009


(eyebags like wtf) Ok I'm done with my Geography notes for tomorrow's test but noooo I haven't memorised it yet -.- Common tests just suck so much. Maths/Physics was freaking me out. I now have to hurry up with this post. Hahahahaha life has been really hectic and tedious :( Bullshit or not? VERY!!! I feel like my brain's gonna explode soon. I can't take in anymore information. It took me about an hour to memorise on one question. Anyways, am excited for Friday's movie outing with the rest of the Bio class. Hahhhhh but on a negative note, I don't think there's any good movies at the moment. Orphan/The final destination only comes out next week. Wah....... National day like no big deal to me. Hahahah seriously. This year's theme song also boring like idk what lah. No mood.

K I got to sweat first before resuming memorising session bcos Raf had something on after school and therefore we didn't head to the gym yet again. 9km wasted. Oh yah by the way, I chose Fashion Designing for my art enrichment classes. 40 HOURS o.O Hahahahahah seems fun but............. I don't know if i can make it. BYE

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