Sunday, August 2, 2009

time passes by so quickly


My mp3 player's playing the song Temptation right now. Old stuff. I used to sing it in school everytime when I was in secondary 1. (inside joke) Okay I feel so depressed. I've not started memorising for tomorrow's Bio test. Fuck fuck fuck, how much more depressing can it get? And I've yet to do a whole lot of things. Such as vaccuuming the room, finish watching Koizora and work out. Uhhhhh, zzzzzzz. How in the world did time pass by so fast like that?!?!??! :( Uhmm okay maybe the problem simply lies with me. I'M JUST NO GOOD AT MULTI-TASKING AND MANAGING MY TIME PROPERLY. Hahahahah it sucks...... Oooh yah, happy 2nd day of August! 19 more days to fasting month! >.< Okay joyyyyyyy.

Btw, koizora's just tooo sad. Hiro oh hiro so cute. Hahahahah new obsession. AHA!

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