Wednesday, August 12, 2009

sorted out

I feel kind of relieved talking it out. Hopefully things will work out, somehow? It's almost 11 now. I have to do something before I go to bed, zzzz. Anyways, I managed to score a two digit number for my Maths test. 10/25. I know it's still a fail but wtv lah, I was soooo confident that I'm gonna get smth less than 5, so yeah. I am annoyed with myself because I think I sleep dead (tidor mati). Or rather, sleep like a log that I can't even hear the alarm ringing for the past two days. How shitty! I've been waking up at 6, which leads to me rushing and such. Apologies to Ada and Raf to keep you galz waiting.

Booooring. Booooooring.

Friday- Orphan/The Hangover
Sunday- Picnic = ♥

Okay bye. Totally not looking forward for school. My eyes were dropping during EM's lesson. Damn steam I tell you.




Ugh yes, guess what? Mum said plans of buying that phone tmr might be postponed. Noooooooooooo not fair HAHAHAHAHAHA -.-

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