Friday, August 14, 2009

green apples + starfruit + oranges

Friday! Yesssss! But it's just too bad Mum did not give me the green light to go out today :( Like UGH. So I finally passed my 2.4km run! FINALLY! 17 minutes. Before I started running, I thought for sure I wouldn't make it. Hahahah thanks Ada for running with me for 1 round. *coughs* I was already perspiring like one mad pig after that. Hmm, lets see what else happened....

Oh yeh, I got 34/60 for my Malay test. Like Mr Muhd said, "Surprising eh."

Okayyyy, nothing interesting these days. I like fresh fruit juices. Mum has this machine that does it and I like it -.- Am excited for Sunday's picnic. Raf wants bapak to cook his fucking spicy fried rice on that day!

Oh I remembered about this conversation I had with some guy two days ago:

Me and Raf were walking to the 159 bus thingy when we saw this guy (he's gd looking fyi AHAHHA) looking as if he wanted to approach us:

Him: Melayu eh?
Raf: Erm yah
Him: Kat sini ade bus pgi hougang int?
Raf: *thinks*
Me: Er tkder, kat luar nye bus stop ader.
Him: Eh melayu eh? Muke ciner habis?
Me: Ah2.
Him: Serious?


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