Monday, June 15, 2009


Happy 15th Birthday, ♥ Hanisha syg. Sorry no present :( Love you & meet soon!
Happy 16th Birthday, ♥Azmi! Hope you'll get sabotaged or something, hahaha!

Anyways, my prepaid card expired yesterday. So am very sorry if I didn't reply to your msges. And the mosquito bites I have are killing me. Itchy like bloody fuck!!!! I spent the night scratching it -.- Today's plan is to accompany Mom to Lucky Plaza to get me a top up card (idk why it must be there) and do a mini shopping. Blah, so bored @ home pls :( I can't stop thinking of *ehem* HAHA! Shit, I even dreamt of him _|_ Wth is this?!?!!?!?

Nis, reply me pls. Raf's case like no hope already ah.. Not replying to my msges. So maybe it'll end up with only both of us again. Sian to the core.........

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