Monday, June 8, 2009

me am lazy

I feel O.o right now. Hahahaha omg what the heck?! I spent hours in the library, finishing only one stupid bird drawing. You have no idea how difficult it was. Right, Hanis? So okay, I simply wasted alot of time on that drawing. Am a sad soul :( Not. And internet explorer fucking lagged a few minutes ago and closed, again, wasted time waiting for the videos to load. O m g. Miserable. I'm so drained right now. Tired even though I did nothing much to begin with. I think I'll have to wake up earlyyyy AGAIN tomorrow 'cos Nicolette sort of forced me to tag along with them to Botanical Garden (well actually I have to go for my art inspiration/place thingy) and William just called me a lazy girl. So yeah, am most probably going. I know I'm kind, thank you! -.- Ok guess what? I'm craving for sushi nowwwww!!!! But life's a bitch, I'm broke cos I bought Choco Pop from Swensens just now a#&!*!%C&*kud!!!! Btw I don't feel like blogging anymore. Not in the mood lah. Maybe ah. Just maybe. I still can update on my livejournal/tumblr/multiply HAAHAHAHAHA, ALOT I KNOW.

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