Sunday, May 31, 2009

i took it again

Didn't take any picture while we're out just now. No time, I think. Ha ha, I've done 3 drawings so far. 12 more to go! Go go go! All of them looks kinda shitty. I haven't finished drawing the third drawing- Birds. Thanks so much for your help, Raf. You've done alot, huh! Hahaha! Trained to Woodlands and I thought I'd forgotten to bring along Mom's ezlink card. Sort of had a drama -.- Mom was practically shouting on the phone. Realllll loud! After soooo long, I realised that the ezlink card was in my bag. Ha ha ha ok my bad. Had a hard time finding a spot to settle down at the library. No more vacant tables so we just sat on the floor. Pathetic much. I was talking non stop. Most of which are nonsensical stuffs. Raf can't be bothered to entertain me. Sooo a middle aged man sat next to us and...

Him: *taps my shoulder* No conversations
Me: *rolls eyes and ignored*

I guess I was making too much noise. Actually not really. Was just talking to Raf. Can't we even talk in the library? It's too quiet there. Almost like Esplanade's library. Not comfortable with that. Anyways, my stomach was making noises while trying to complete my drawings. Aww, pity my stomach! :( HAHA, ok not. Skipped breakfast and haven't had my lunch at that point of time. Rushed things and off we go to Banquet. Ate malay food. It's been so long since I ate malay delicacies. Hahaha. (Lame i know) But really. After that, bought LG. Blame it on Raf. Urghhh damn. I'm having a splitting headache right now. WHYYYYYYYYYYY!!?!!?!?!

Tomorrow's the big day. O M G. Good luck to me. Am feeling a little lazy though. Yea, good luck to those who're having MT O Levels tomorrow! ^^


out out out soon

Mom said that he's the most good looking one in F4. How cute. And best thing is, she ever saw him at the airport a few years back. Ugh, an advantage of working at the airport. He's not the only celebrity she's seen. Really :(

So uhm okay, I'm heading out soon. Waiting for Raf to arrive at my place first. I'm wearing super casual clothes. Plain blouse w cardigan and jeans. Woodlands only whaaaat. Library somemore, so no biggy. I've yet to choose a place for an inspiration. For my Art thingy I mean. Botanical garden? Zoo? Bird Park? Give me ideas!!!! Ok, I hate this pls. Again, I need money to develop the pitures. Noooooo. Fuck. Everything = MONEY $$$$. Hahahahaha okay.

Last night, I was sweating like fuck. Singapore's becoming more and more humid. Seriously!!! Me, Bapak and Mom were having rashes. (united -.-) Bloody itchy, I tell you. So now point is, everyone in my family has rashes. Great, am loving it. Not.


Am having some sort of a headache right now. Feeling nervous about tomorrow. I know I've repeated this many many times. Haha! But I can't help it. My class has got only less than 50% passes for english. WOW. ONE BIG WOW. K shit. Am having cramps now. Hahahahaha wth!!!!!!

Will update later. Toodles.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

nobody but you

Thought of going out today but I guess not. Comic Strip's performing at Esplanade later. Ugh, such a sad story! It's been ages since I last went to gigs, but oh nevermind. Would rather spend my Saturday at home doing important things like reading novels, cleaning my room and completing the BOF series. Hahah! So my windows messenger signed out on it's own again. Annoying. Currently munching on some vanilla wafer rolls and gulping in lemon tea. Favourites, i tell you. Am gonna change my blog songs to more sad ones. That'll make you bloghoppers have more feel. HAHA! Joking. Soooo, Mom's at her friend's place in Jurong. Such willingness... That's like damn far, right?!?! Oh yah, I'm not going to Philippines. Oh well!!!! But Mom is still going. Such unfairness. I think I'm already so used to all these shits. Probably going to Johore on the third week. Good piece of news (???) I can go shopping. Hooray.

By the way, I had a really interesting dream last night. Read- I was on some cruise (i think) with a whole bunch of people I DON'T EVEN KNOW IN REAL LIFE. I was playing on the slides and such. It's in a swimming pool btw. Then bla bla bla, I was on the cruise again -.- This time with a guy. In the dream, I was already an adult, so yeah. And I think I was having a rltionship with that guy. He's hot, fyi. Then we were hugging and whatnot. Hahahahaha then my dream ended when his wife (i think) saw us.

Pls laugh now.
How hilarious.
And stupid.

I'll miss school from today onwards. Half true, half not. I'd rather be in school with my classmates/schmates than rot at home. Seriously. But not the studying part of course. Duhhhhhhh.. Hahaha. Meet-the-parents session on Monday. Omg omg how? Die issit? -.- I'm too ashamed of my own results. How shitty. Someone owes me lemon tea. Yay! HAA.

On a last note, Happy 16th Birthday Syafiq aka Feeq Supersonic ^^

Friday, May 29, 2009

school's out

I'm having all sorts of itchiness all over my body. I swear it's becoming annoying. And I don't know when the hell will I be able to finish watching BOF because halfway watching, everything will just lag and the windows will be closed. Wasted the time I've waited to load the videos. Am only at episode 19 :( Hopefully by Sunday.

Oh by the way! SCHOOL'S OUT! Happy holidays fellows. Have fun while you can, ok? While I have to concentrate on my Art since I'm already doing quite bad on my sketches/drawings. Heading to wdlands library this Sunday with Raf. She wants to help out (hopefully). Getting all stressed out thinking about the drawings.


School was short and sweet today (HAHAHA). Did area cleaning, which was such a suffering. The dust were thick. Helped out Faidz to clean the shelves. Ya, so much of cleaning. And had Sexual Education with Mr Aw as the teacher, again. Quite funny, really. Mary and Joe (only our class knows this). Then Raf came over to my place after school. Did 'some' stuffs. Hadi! Hate tag orang je eh, HAHA.

Btw, whats up with pathetic sec ones stalking their seniors in school? I mean, okay.. It's kinda normal if you do it sometimes to someone who's that HOT or wtv shit. But hey, it's getting a little overboard. And freaky plus disgusting. Seriously. Get a grip, girls. If you're really pretty, perhaps people won't mind. Sadly, no. I feel so disgusted. What else have you got in mind to talk about besides guys? Yucks, your stalking is becoming obsessive mannnnn *rolls eyes*

Right.. So okay. Got to off the computer now before Mom reaches home. I'll get an earful from her. HELL, I TELL YOU.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

nervous breakdown

Yesterday, I slept from 4.30 til the next morning.
Guess I was just too sleeeeepy.

Had my English oral after school.
Had butterflies in my stomach or perhaps I was being such a nervous wreck.
Ian told me to stick out my tongue infront of the teacher.
Joker -.-
It was fine. Not that easy, not that hard.
But I stammered in one part. Urgh, how foolish.
Getting my fingers crossed that I'll pass.
Thank you very nice.

Tomorrow's last day of school for this term.
Like.. finally.
LETS PARTY! (hahaha) Not. I've got quite alot to do during the holidays pls :(
30 pictures/sources (cannot be from the internet) and 15 observational drawings for art. How sad. That means I have to go to the library alot and go out alot to develop pictures. Suspect that I'm going to woodlands library for this. Bla3.

I still owe Danial/Wani starbucks.
Don't know if I've got enough cash with me for now.
Plus, I need money for movies/hangouts/wild wild wet.
Tight for cash mannnnnnn.

Life is always never satisfying.
And my left foot is damn itchy and there's a spot there. (due to the bee alike thingy that stung me)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

camp = no comfort zone


Am so freaking tired.

Day 1-
Pitched our tents.
Sweated like a pig.
Outdoor cooking(i only ate baked beans though)
Did some cheers.
Trekking (3 stupid obstacles which caused me to fall twice)
Had a shower late at night. (I went in to the boys' toilet. Someone sabotaged me. I had to get out. It was a total shame.)
P/S: The toilets are filled with insects like grasshopers, flies, ants, lizards, bee lookalikes.
Slept at 2am+++ (was hanging around w nis, ada and raf. i was paranoid most of the time.)

Day 2-
Headed to ITE Amk.
Rock climbing, Challenge Rope Courses & Abseling. I did none of them. (I can't overcome my fear, thank you)
Back to camp christine
Rafting (time to get wet and dirty!)
Had fun.
Kayaking ; was a total disaster. Me and Ada were going in circles. We wouldn't be able to get out of the sea if it wasn't for the trainer. Thank goodness. Plus, I was being such a nervous wreck -.-
As if being the last two wasn't enough, my class had to bring back the kayaks to the storing place. BLOODY HEAVY.
Given only 2 minutes to eat our dinner (which was pathetic)
CAMPFIRE!!! (the only thing i enjoyed the most)
Shouted like there's no tomorrow.

Day 3-
Area cleaning.
Journey back to school.
My left foot was stung/bitten by this bee/insect.
How lovely.

Trainers- Keith/Lala
Prefer Keith to Lala. *coughs* Cute what. HAHA. Besides that, most of the trainers had attitude shit problems. I mean, I know everyone has got a limit to everything. But since you're a trainer, you don't have to show tantrums, shitty faces, shitty way of talking to us over little little things. Not forgetting the camp chief who's rly annoying with his eyes that cannot get any bigger. Joker eyes. But nvm, they can get quite crazy sometimes.


I missed my room. Lemon tea. Computer.
Going to sleep after finishing my BOF episodes ^^
Having my English Oral tomorrow. Wah, die.
Still have to go back to sch despite me/us being freaking tired.

Now, toodles.
I think I've become darker.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

kim bum

Cuteeeeee smile. Melting...
Still melting...

But then...

He's hot without the curly hair in the drama.

Hahaha okay, I think I should stop it. Am almost done with my packing. Left with only a couple of stuffs to pack. Not really looking forward to it but what can I do? Damnnnnnnnn. Having a stomachache now. Nervous nervous nervous. I've been imagining things lately. Imagining that I'm having a fever. (LAME I KNOW) Haha! Shall continue watching iknowyouknow (i think you should be able to know by now). Am at episode 11 already! Toodles my friends.


Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today, I woke up at 4 in the afternoon. I was exceptionally sleepy today, how weird. If not for Mum, I would have continued sleeping. For real. And I still feel tired and exhausted and sleepy now. Ha ha ha, wth? I am gonna continue with BOF once Beach.Ball.Babes finishes. (which is in 10 mins) Currently stucked with this guy all thanks to Raf. Not totally her fault. But urgh, he seems a little annoying. Giving alot of miss calls. Sorry Raf, I'm ignoring him already. Ha ha.

Ten minutes later...

Ok, the drama has ended. I usually take more than fifteen minutes to finish up my post. Am no good at multi-tasking, in case you don't know. So anyway, I have to pack my bag for camp by tomorrow. No, by today. Have to check the list and maybe head out tomorrow to get the things I don't have. Sincerely sorry to Azmi because I won't be able to support your band tmr :( Really sorry! Watch the wtv 3D movie soon. Ha ha ha and good luck tmr! (wah seh)

Next thing- All thanks to Ada, I'm starting to have a liking for cars now. Not totally 'INTO' cars but oh well, hope you get it. So this is the picture that I've been wanting to show you:

SEXY RIGHT?!?!?!!?

I think Black cars are sex bombs. Sorry, I'm not the colourful kind of soul. Unlike you, I find Sports Blue too sporty. HAHAHAH!


This colour is pretty. When I have a car, I want it to be this colour! All time expectation of my car, hahahaha.

Friday, May 22, 2009

kris allen, ily

Winner of Americal Idol Season 8 *melts*

Hi hi hi. Wanted to blog about this yesterday but Mum changed the password for the millionth time and today I'm already allowed to use it. Funny, I know. Anyway, I sincerely, deeply, madly (haha) want to congratulate Kris for winning. This is kind of stupid but wtv. I am just freaking happy that Kris won. NO, really. Everyone was confident of Adam winning. Too bad honey. Ha ha ha, oh goddddddddd if Kris were to have a concert here, I will fucking go at all cost! K thanks.

Anyways, have gotten back all of my exam papers. Am quite dissapointed. What do you expect? I studied real hard for mid year but whathefuckinghell, I failed the subjects that I've expected to pass. So yeah, not much. Here's my results:

English- 47/80 (highest mark for the girls in class HAHAHAHAHA -.-)
Malay- 132/200
Bio- 29/50
Physics- 27/50
SS- 17/40
Maths- 20/100 (can you believe it?)
Geog- 19/40
Art- 22/40

Nothing much I can do. I've really tried my best. Sad story right? Ha ha ha, right... I didn't thought I'd pass Bio/Physcis + Art. Seriously. Ah, there's gonna be a parents' meeting session in two weeks. Am kinda nervous. No idea what the teachers have got to say about me.

I'll be having my sec three camp from Monday-Wednesday. Confused as to whether I'm feeling excited or nervous about it. Nervous because of the height/water activities. I'm quite of a cowardly soul. So don't ask. I don't know how to swim :( HAHA. Excited because of the campfire. Conclusion? I DON'T KNOW. Hopefully I'll have fun there. I heard the toilets at Camp Christine are haunted. Spooky... NOT. Someone said, "This is to see if you can live w/o your phones for 3 days. I'm sure you can live w/o it." Agree? Ah fuck fuck fuck. I don't wanna do the height activities pls. Nervous wreck -.- Ha ha ha ha! These activities are gonna be held at ITE AMK. *rolls eyes* Ok, get over it.

Went to Giant/Ikea at Tampines after school to get my sleeping bag. Me and Raf had a hell of a time there. The room columns at Ikea were gorgeoussssssssssss. If only I had one of those rooms (Y)

Will update tomorrow. I was so engrossed in watching My Girl (for the *inserts number* time) just now. Now that I'm on the computer, I shall continue watching Boys Over Flowers ^^ Yay, finally!!!!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today, school went on as usual. But of course lessons have not resumed yet. Like.. duhhhh! Ha ha ha, ok stop it. Got back half of my exam papers today. One word to describe all of them- SUCKED. I am perhaps too ashamed too tell people about my result. Especially my parents. Wth, how? :(

But no, I didn't cry or feel upset or wtv that's emotional. Why should I? Would it help me get marks? No. I really can't be bothered to be greatly affected. Just move on and try to do better. This proves one thing- Sometimes, studying fucking hard doesn't really help you. MY point of view ok? Hahaha.

Failed SS, Geog and Maths. I'm loving it thank you. As for Geog and SS, I could have passed by a couple of marks. Tough luck. Hopefully my CA will help to pull the marks up. Pls pls pls pls.

Anyway, since Nis and Del and Ada are curious about my maths result. Let me tell you now. I got 3/50 for my maths paper 2. Happy not? Oh shit. I feel so stupid. I may fail some subjects but I will never do them as badly as I did for Maths. Seriously I tell you, I WILL NEVER PASS MATHS WITH FLYING COLOURS. HOW SAD, I KNOW.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

my girl

Bored to death at home. I'm secretly using the computer since Mom just left for Ang Mo Kio Hub. Before she left, she told me that I'm not allowed to use the internet to watch boys over flowers. Thanks Mom, luv you for that. So not! Am most probably gonna buy the cd/dvd or wtv to make me happier. Really.

Wonder when I've started having a liking for korean dramas. But oh well, most of them are addictive.

Am currently watching My Girl. Haha yay I got the dvd set. So happy, yes! Have watched it for a zillion times and still not sick of it. Luvvvvv it. The picture above is taken from a scene. Sweet eh. HAHAHAHA.

I just ate three slices of bread with mayo and a thousand island dressing. Yummy.

kris <3

What do you think? (inserts face expression)

Ha ha ha, (to Nis, pls don't react too strongly again). I have no comments on the photo but Kris is my all time favourite. Tomorrow is their performance show and it's a MUST for me to watch. Actually it's quite predictable that Adam is gonna win A.I but whatever. I'm sure Kris will still be popular after all this. GO KRIS ALLEN! <3

Uh, Kris is so HGS*&!@T^(*^*( HOT please!

I am currently feeling so downright lazy. And I have to vacuum my room before Mom gets back from work. Any idea how lazy I feel right now? Right.. What a bum! I've yet to shower. Ha ha ha, don't ask. Ok totally not in the mood to do anything. How how how?!?!?! Nvm, I AM GOING TO TAKE THE VACUUM OUT OF THE STORE ROOM NOW AND SHOWER AFTER THAT!!! And it's all because I wanna watch Boys Over Flowers on the computer. It takes quite awhile to load. So yeah, I've got this to thank for ^^

Btw thanks Delya. Haha! And it's not too bad that you've finished watching ok? :D I AM NOT JEALOUS, TYSM!!!

Ah okay shit lah, life is getting boring like shit!!!! I don't know why am I still stucked at home even though exams are over. Seriously I need to get out sooon. Been M.I.A for too long. Maybe going out on Saturday but not sure with who. Bla bla bla.

My right eye hurts.
Hahaha wtf pls don't tell me there's gonna be another bum there.
Bullshit + crap = OMG

Oh yah I feel sad. I know wthell I shouldn't be. But I can't help it. I thought it was over but idk whats wrong with me. STUPIDITY :(

Was supposed to talk about porn 'cus Nisha asked me to. Sorry girl am not horny now. HAHAHAHAH!


Monday, May 18, 2009

hey monday

Hey Monday. It's drizzling outside now which is making me shiver a little. I reached home early today. 11am. Early right? Hahaha okay. Ate my breakfast at compass point. More than half of the shops were still closed. Well literally. Only food shops were opened early.

Brr. I'm going to take a short nap after this. (it might turn out to be a freaking long nap, i tell you) Am watching Survivor on channel 5 without volume. I muted it. Hahaha. Damn I'm bored!

Guess what? I don't know what else to blog about. I am aware that my blog is getting shitty boring lately. Oh wellllll, what can I do. I'm saving money already. Hopefully my temptations won't get the better of me. Hopefully just hopefully.

Oh my gay. I think i'm going back to pet society or maybe take some quizes on facebook. That will help, I suppose. Yayyyyyy I can sleep like a fucking log tomorrow! No distruptions pleaseeeeeeee. Oh btw I've got a confession to make. I MISS SCHOOL! (no not including exams periods) I. DON'T. KNOW. WHY. HE HE HE ^^

Sunday, May 17, 2009

who do i owe?

Random photo.

I would like to specially wish Hanis a happy birthday for the second time. Urgh, sorry nothing was planned unlike last year. Missed those times :'( Wah sad maaaan.

My body's itching like what the bloody fuck. There are red rashes all over.

Am currently chatting with Wani. Which reminds me that I still owe her and Danial starbucks. I don't know when the hell will I be able to save enough money but! I'll probably treat her (husband to be) Danial first. Haha! And that will be in two weeks. I HOPE! Hmm lets see. I don't know if I'm even gonna have 6 pathetic bucks to go to Azmi's gig on the 24th. I'm in such a sympathetic state right now.


Oh plus, I need money for hang outs during june holidays too. For example, www which already cost me over 12 dollars. Everything's going up up up this days! I need to borrow/buy new books since I've so much time on my hands now. SERIOUSLY. Ok, but I can't buy for sure because Mom told me that it's a waste of money. And I can't borrow from the national library because I've fines over 11 dollars. The only resort is the school library. Boring variety though -.-

One more hour to X Factor! Hahahahaha then off I go to sleep.


Hello. Isn't he cute? Aww.

Last night, I was watching Boys Over Flower on channel U. First time watching it and was looking forward to watching it. Wait, hahahah nevermind I don't think you're getting my drift. So uhmm, was interrupted by Mom. By an issue that is this small. Seriously. Ok so nvm, forget that, I didn't give any attitude at first. She called me back again for the second time. I had to wash the container again. Then bla bla bla she came over to teach me the right way and all I said was that I've already done so and she blew her top. It. irritates. me. like. shit. I got over it. I just wanna say I'm sick of staying in this house. I strongly dislike my uncle. Whatever that happens between my mom and I, he sure will intefere. So what if we argue almost everyday? Does that give you the right to say that i should be sent to a girls' home? Ha ha ha, downright stupid. Yes you are my uncle but look, I've not met you for a whole of 13 and a half years. Our relationship together is not even close. STOP TELLING MY MOM WHAT TO DO. Besides that, you are such a selfish/petty man. I mean, for an adult.

How much bitchier can life get? I just hope that we will find a new house soon and get my ass out of this place! So fucking annoying. Everytime Mom shouts at me, he's always present and come on, I'm turning fifteen. I have my own pride and dignity. Wouldn't I be embarrassed? >=(

Having listening compre tomorrow. It ends at 8.15am. Just wastes my sleeping time. Urgh okay. I have to shower now. Have to finish the whole of antm cycle 12 today.

Btw, HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY HANISAURUSSSSS. LUVVVVV YOU <3 Sorry there's nth much I can give you. Meet soon i guess.

And guess whaaaaat? Sec three's camp is in two weeks. Yay.

xoxo, (haha)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

antm cycle 11 & 12

Sahara is such a fucking slut! Bloody hypocrite and sickening asshole actress. (I mean in the Manja Lara drama) Urgh, looking at her face makes me feel like punching her in the face and pull her hair till her skin get overstretched and all the veins burst. Ok chill! It's just a drama. Hahahah, god.

So, Mom went to a friend's place at Pasir Ris after getting home from work. She asked if I wanted to tag along and as usual, I refused. First, it was faaaaaaar! The bus ride from tpy to pasir ris is just way too far for me. About 2hours? Wah, can die, I tell you! I've not eaten my dinner. Too lazy to whip up something in the kitchen. But nevermind! Mom's already waiting for the bus 88 and she brought along some curry. Yay, can eat it with some bread.

Anyways, was watching ANTM Cycle 11 and 12 throughout the whole day. Since Singapore's really slow, I decided to watch them all on Youtube. I was bloghopping and got inspired to watch. HAHA! Analeigh should've won cycle 11 man. McKey, to me, is just a little fake. I don't know, I don't like her face. As for Sam, too comercial. (as said by judges) Uh anyway. I was halfway through cycle 12, episode 5 part 2 when the damned computer off-ed by itself. Bummer! And now I feel lazy to go back to it and wait for the video to load. Shall continue tomorrow, I guess.

Ha ha, I'll post some pictures because I'm in the mood! Ok, bear with it. Don't need to see if you don't want to lah.

I LIKE THIS! So intense.

She does look good in SOME photos but i still don't like her. HAHA, no offence.

Allison = GORGEOUS.

Okay done. I have to pee now. Been bearing with it for 10 minutes! Woah imagine that! Hahaha goodbye. Eyebags getting out of hand.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Malaysia confirms first case of swine flu.

I hope that Singapore will be 100% free from the bloody swine flu. Well, hope so.

Bapak retrieved back my phone in the afternoon. Thank you, appreciate that even if you've threatened me with your lame jokes and supposedly BIG eyes. (HAHA okay joking)Right now it's quite meaningless to have a phone which memory card CANNOT be read by the damned old Nokia phone. Which leads to having long bus rides from school without any entertainment at all besides falling asleep. Spell me S.U.C.K.S!

I am missing my phone already. Who won't be? With the kind of phone I have now, I will feel that way. But anyways, it's good enough to be able to contact people. Oh well..

Exams are finally over! I am sure glaaaaaaad. No more staying up late at night just to force my small pea brain to take in alot alot alot of things! (For the time being. There's still eoy exams lah! -.-) I can let my hair down for now. Pretty excited for the Sec 3 camp. And I think I've got quite a number of plans for the june holidays. Can't wait for wild wild wet! ^^ Hahahah.

Mom's kind of pised with me and I DON'T KNOW WHY. Maybe because that my phone was confiscated but whatever. We're going on fine now.

Off to Pet Society!

Speaking of which, I WANT TO FUCKING STOP ANIMAL TESTING/ABUSING/CRUELTY! I mean, don't you inhumane people (not refering to you unless you think you are one) feel for the poor animals? Especially kittens/rabbits/monkeys. Just imagine if you're the one being tested and all. A BIG FUCK YOU. Anti animal testing pls? :) Love you.

More tomorrow.


And pause at 1:24 Emphasize on the tongue. HAHAH ENJOY AND WATCH!!!!!

How nice...




Thursday, May 14, 2009


Fucking pissed.

Phone was stolen from some fucking old shitty man who obviously is too fucking poor to stoop as low as stealing. Fuck you, low life. You're lucky I didn't call the police. Stupid. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I feel like shooting him!

Right.. So what's the use of losing my cool because of this? I can't turn back the clock. I promise myself that I won't ever ever ever leave my phone behind when queuing for food. I'm so so so sorry, Arina and Ada, that we ended up not eating in the end. And Arina, I apologize for throwing your phone :( Cried like a sick bitch at the food court 'cus Mom was putting the blame entirely on me. Drama, hahahah. But I was thankful that I didn't get a earful from Mom when I got home. Woahhhhh.

Anyways, am using my old phone for now. I repeat, BLOODY OLD!!!! Ask me for my new number if you want. K thanks.

To Raf, haha k lah miss walking home with you too! After exams, we'll go out kay!

Oooh, I just found out that Danny Gokey's eliminated today. Am so damn happy!!!! Wait actually not really. I want Adam to be eliminated, but urghhhh! Nevermind. Watch the video below.

Having Bio tmr. OH MY GOD. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING??!?!?!? Will start studying soon. Oh btw, Physics was quite manageable (which is of course a good thing). Bye.

I cried when he sang this yesterday. No not overeacting lah! Seriously he touches my heart, HAHAH. And I'm so glad he's made it into the Top 2!!!!!! Love you, Kris.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hey hey ho. Bloody old picture.

I have devastating news. Didn't finish my artwork on time. I mean 1 hour 30 minutes?!?!!?! How can it be enough? Maybe it's because I'm the slow one as everyone else finished theirs. Guess what did we have to draw? A bloody frog. Hahahaha and so amazingly, all that I finished was the frog. ZzzzZ.

Good news!!!

Maths paper 1 was wayyyyyyyyyy easier than paper 2. Well excluding the fact that I've no ruler and that results in the loss of 4 marks. SUCH A JOY!!!

Tomorrow- PHYSICS
Friday- Bio

Nth interesting. I really have alot to catch up on for Bio. Sucks lah. I hate the chapter on waves for physics. So fucking dry. But anyways, I'm still gonna study in an hour's time. toodles poodles.

My quest to hack pet society has failed. Such a sad story, hahahaha stupid i know. But I want $$$$$$$ lorh.


My Mum. I like this picture of her, no i don't know why. Hahahah even though I've spitted out vulgarities and showed shitty behaviours towards her, she doesn't give up on me. She still shows her concern. Even though I've said I hated her many times, hates it when she's being over sensitive, I still love her kay? Hahahahahah bye. <3

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Maths paper 2 was a fucking killer! There were 13 questions and I left almost half of it undone.

50 marks. I'll tell you how much I'll most likely score. Less than 10? Woah, what an achievement! NOT. Hahaha it's pretty funny when I stared blankly into space for 20 mins and noticed everyone's faces while doing the paper. I don't know, i find it funny. Especially when Mr seng said, "Ok time's up put your pens down." Some made sounds showing that they're pissed or smth. Priceless. Hahaah

On a brighter note, Geog paper was quite easy! But still, I left a question or two undone too. Zzzz what a bummer! And unfortunately, I left one point missing for the last question. Wtv, hope i pass anyway.

Thank god I didn't cry after the maths paper. I cried after a science exam last year 'cus it killed me softly. HAHAHAHAH REALLY. Oh well, lets hope that paper 1 will be easier tmr. Having art after that. OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDD. No way am I a good drawer so yeh all the best to me!

Sooooo wthell, should I study? Bio? Noooo makes me feel lazy. Too boring. Maths? Even more lazy! Uhhhhh too worn out!


Monday, May 11, 2009

help, i'm dying

I feel pathetic. Super extremely pathetic. I've only studied for one hour or so and I already feel like dozing off. Plus, I also know that the picture on top is totally uncalled for. (i took it while studying)

I can just breakdown in tears right now. Hahahaha I AM FEELING THE HEAT! Ok ok. I am so so so so fucking afraid that wtv I'm putting in my head now will not be tested or maybe I'd instantly forget all about them when I'm sitting for the paper. Ahhh downright shitty, I tell you! I. FEEL. LIKE. GIVING. UP.

Exams freaks me out.

I've not memorised anything on rivers (except methods of channelisation which took me 2 days!!!) and have NOT done any revision for Maths. Am so gonna die tomorrow!


I'm really no good at avoiding distractions and such. REALLY. I can't keep my hands off the keyboard or the computer. Fuck off! I am going to the living room this instant and really really start studying! And oh, my eyebrow piercing is gone for good now. Been such a lazy ass to put the stud back in, so yeah, say bye bye to smth that took me such pain :(

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I was awake till 2am last night.
Did some studying on Geography and only managed to memorise one of the channelisation methods. I repeat, ONLY ONE. Yea, it's not just that ok!!! I have to memorise the description, examples, advantages and disadvantages too. And that is already fucking tough for me. I need all the luck that I can get man. Two more days left!!! Am gonna study the whole day today.

So as usual, didn't get anything for mum.
I mean, I didn't even greet her a happy mothers day.
I'm just not used to it k?

Hahaha read this.

I just started writing down notes for Geog when Mum played the dvd to westlife's concert in Dublin.
In case you don't know (well i bet NO ONE knows) I pretty much luvvvvvvv that concert the most.
And when I told her, "Ma why you on this one! See lah now i cannot concentrate already".
She laughed and replied, "I never ask you to see what. Cannot study right? Actually i purposely one."

Cheeky one.
And so I watched the concert till it ends.
I'm still a huge huge huge fan of Westlife!!!!!!
Especially Nicky!!!!
Omg. Thanks Mum, I can't stop listening to their songs now even though it's a tad bit old school.
But who the fuck cares right...
I'm gonna change my playlist to westlife's songs now!

Toodles poodles.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

saturday sickness

Oh hi, I'm sick.
Down with a flu. (non stop flow of muscus)
Due to this, I didn't have a good night's sleep.
I think I'm going back to sleep after this (which is strange)

Hopefully i'll get better by afternoon and start studying Geography! It may suck but who cares, I wanna pass this time round. Not too late for changes right!!!! I can't accept the fact that all majorly difficult subjects are gonna be on the same week. From Geog to Maths to Bio to Physics. At the rate that I'm going, I'm bound to fail.


Hahahah wth being all serious about mid year is totally bizarre for me! I mean I've NEVER EVER been this serious.

Oh wow, I can transform from being a devil to an angel. (HAHA CRAP)

My house is out of panadols! How? Stupid.
Not feeling any better.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey. Friday's here folks!

I wanna go to sleep after this.

My eyes are half closed now. Am literally sooooooo tired but I don't know why.

Oh well.

Malay Paper was easy as nuts. Still, am not confident of passing it with flying rainbow colours.

Hmm let me elaborate more. For the first paper, I finished it at 8.30 and the paper only ended at 9.42 which means I've got more than an hour's sleep. For the second paper, I finished it 10.55 or smth and slept till 12.32pm.

So bottom line is- I've had enough rest during the two papers. I even had the time for 4 dreams!!! Imagine that. Totally WOW. The amazing thing is, it wasn't only me but Nis, Ada and Raf had dreamt of smth too while sleeping.

I love this.

But the dreams were sure weird as hell.

I'm currently quite hooked to Whats new pussycat by Tom Jones and it's all thanks to Ian. Really, thanks alot!!!!! And this is my fourth post! Super happy. I was close to 400 posts in my previous blog but what a waste...

Tuesday- Geography/Maths Paper 2


Oh shit, I have to start mugging like shit tomorrow :( Pretty sad.

Btw, I want to get everything done and over with. Like.. mid year/end of year exams and etc. December pls come fast! Hahahah it's a once-a-year kind of thing that I get to do. Raf's got a family (-.- i know) chalet and she was asked to invite all of her friends to come over and probably sleep over too ( i hope). Yessssssssssss vodka!

Oh wait my birthday's not even here yet.
I can gladly wait for another 7 months


This reminds me of last year's chalet. Such fun rightttttttt. I miss Hady and how he behaves when he's drunk. HAHAHAH!

"Saper lagi handsome ah?"

Thursday, May 7, 2009


had english paper 2 and it sucks balls
stressed up.
social studies was better.
hopefully i'll pass then
k byeeee

went to airport but didn't study
how sad.
moral of story: three's a crowd and pray not to see a hot guy k?

gd luck!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

social studies

I wonder when Mom's gonna change the password to my account but whatever why am I even worrying about this? I should be happy instead!

5 things (i want to do/go during june holidays) :
1)wild wild wet
2)hair extensions or maybe hope a miracle happens
4)get (inserts word) w a bunch of people
5)lose weight


anyway, revision for social studies is freaking the shit out of me.
got some notes and hell, i really need fuckin good memory to get all of that in my head.
and the exam is in 2 days. imagine that?!?!!?
i'll spend the whole day tmr memorising shits.

ok i wanna continue doing crossword puzzles. hahaahah thanks so much for making me hooked to it, nis and del. love you.

i wanna do some research on some teevee shows on channel 16 and on some models. be prepared for tomorrow's hangman!!! ian and ada knows too much and i don't.

Monday, May 4, 2009


hey. new blog! just felt like making a new one since someone or rather teachers already know of my previous blog. which is rather dangerous because i find it weird not bitching about someone or whoever from my school. My blog page might be printed again. Or I may be sued. Hah stupid shit. Why can't fifteen year olds be a little more matured and learn to handle such stuffs on their own, right? Oooops i didn't mention any names here so pls do not ASSUME. hahahahah shut up if you know anyway.

:'( life is too depressing. i am suddenly craving for vodka. tell me why? sudden craving. haaaaaaaaaa omgzzzzz i can't drink on my birthday 'cus it's on the fasting month so yeah too bad for me. but i want leizzzz so how? k boring. maybe during some special occasions plus L.G. Hahahaha Nis, i can tell how 'happy' you'll feel if you read this. kkk sorry!

Exams resumes this Thursday. English Paper2 & Social Studies. Ok so basically I've 'started hitting the books'. (you should know what i mean when i use those) I really really have to start memorising bloody essays/notes/points/facts for SS. I don't wanna fail! Am gonna start tomorrow. (MUST) Yesssssss i must pass my mid years w beautiful flying colours, hahaahahah dumb.

Fucking swine flu fucking sucks. Our school trip to Malaysia-Teranganu (idk wtf the spelling is) might be cancelled due to that and the trip to Melbourne (the selected students) is postponed. We even have to show our I/C before going in the library and i mean the national library. Such a hassle, i tell you. Checking of temperatures twice a day. Like... -_- HAHAHAH!

I feel damn hungry but no i'm not gonna eat rice already. Yay. Urghhh fuck when am i gonna start working out again?!?!?!?!?!?! OH WOW I SUCK. REAL BAD.

goodnight. toodles. poodles. i fcking love tuesdays.