Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hey hey ho. Bloody old picture.

I have devastating news. Didn't finish my artwork on time. I mean 1 hour 30 minutes?!?!!?! How can it be enough? Maybe it's because I'm the slow one as everyone else finished theirs. Guess what did we have to draw? A bloody frog. Hahahaha and so amazingly, all that I finished was the frog. ZzzzZ.

Good news!!!

Maths paper 1 was wayyyyyyyyyy easier than paper 2. Well excluding the fact that I've no ruler and that results in the loss of 4 marks. SUCH A JOY!!!

Tomorrow- PHYSICS
Friday- Bio

Nth interesting. I really have alot to catch up on for Bio. Sucks lah. I hate the chapter on waves for physics. So fucking dry. But anyways, I'm still gonna study in an hour's time. toodles poodles.

My quest to hack pet society has failed. Such a sad story, hahahaha stupid i know. But I want $$$$$$$ lorh.


My Mum. I like this picture of her, no i don't know why. Hahahah even though I've spitted out vulgarities and showed shitty behaviours towards her, she doesn't give up on me. She still shows her concern. Even though I've said I hated her many times, hates it when she's being over sensitive, I still love her kay? Hahahahahah bye. <3

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