Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today, school went on as usual. But of course lessons have not resumed yet. Like.. duhhhh! Ha ha ha, ok stop it. Got back half of my exam papers today. One word to describe all of them- SUCKED. I am perhaps too ashamed too tell people about my result. Especially my parents. Wth, how? :(

But no, I didn't cry or feel upset or wtv that's emotional. Why should I? Would it help me get marks? No. I really can't be bothered to be greatly affected. Just move on and try to do better. This proves one thing- Sometimes, studying fucking hard doesn't really help you. MY point of view ok? Hahaha.

Failed SS, Geog and Maths. I'm loving it thank you. As for Geog and SS, I could have passed by a couple of marks. Tough luck. Hopefully my CA will help to pull the marks up. Pls pls pls pls.

Anyway, since Nis and Del and Ada are curious about my maths result. Let me tell you now. I got 3/50 for my maths paper 2. Happy not? Oh shit. I feel so stupid. I may fail some subjects but I will never do them as badly as I did for Maths. Seriously I tell you, I WILL NEVER PASS MATHS WITH FLYING COLOURS. HOW SAD, I KNOW.


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