Sunday, May 31, 2009

out out out soon

Mom said that he's the most good looking one in F4. How cute. And best thing is, she ever saw him at the airport a few years back. Ugh, an advantage of working at the airport. He's not the only celebrity she's seen. Really :(

So uhm okay, I'm heading out soon. Waiting for Raf to arrive at my place first. I'm wearing super casual clothes. Plain blouse w cardigan and jeans. Woodlands only whaaaat. Library somemore, so no biggy. I've yet to choose a place for an inspiration. For my Art thingy I mean. Botanical garden? Zoo? Bird Park? Give me ideas!!!! Ok, I hate this pls. Again, I need money to develop the pitures. Noooooo. Fuck. Everything = MONEY $$$$. Hahahahaha okay.

Last night, I was sweating like fuck. Singapore's becoming more and more humid. Seriously!!! Me, Bapak and Mom were having rashes. (united -.-) Bloody itchy, I tell you. So now point is, everyone in my family has rashes. Great, am loving it. Not.


Am having some sort of a headache right now. Feeling nervous about tomorrow. I know I've repeated this many many times. Haha! But I can't help it. My class has got only less than 50% passes for english. WOW. ONE BIG WOW. K shit. Am having cramps now. Hahahahaha wth!!!!!!

Will update later. Toodles.

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