Sunday, May 17, 2009


Hello. Isn't he cute? Aww.

Last night, I was watching Boys Over Flower on channel U. First time watching it and was looking forward to watching it. Wait, hahahah nevermind I don't think you're getting my drift. So uhmm, was interrupted by Mom. By an issue that is this small. Seriously. Ok so nvm, forget that, I didn't give any attitude at first. She called me back again for the second time. I had to wash the container again. Then bla bla bla she came over to teach me the right way and all I said was that I've already done so and she blew her top. It. irritates. me. like. shit. I got over it. I just wanna say I'm sick of staying in this house. I strongly dislike my uncle. Whatever that happens between my mom and I, he sure will intefere. So what if we argue almost everyday? Does that give you the right to say that i should be sent to a girls' home? Ha ha ha, downright stupid. Yes you are my uncle but look, I've not met you for a whole of 13 and a half years. Our relationship together is not even close. STOP TELLING MY MOM WHAT TO DO. Besides that, you are such a selfish/petty man. I mean, for an adult.

How much bitchier can life get? I just hope that we will find a new house soon and get my ass out of this place! So fucking annoying. Everytime Mom shouts at me, he's always present and come on, I'm turning fifteen. I have my own pride and dignity. Wouldn't I be embarrassed? >=(

Having listening compre tomorrow. It ends at 8.15am. Just wastes my sleeping time. Urgh okay. I have to shower now. Have to finish the whole of antm cycle 12 today.

Btw, HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY HANISAURUSSSSS. LUVVVVV YOU <3 Sorry there's nth much I can give you. Meet soon i guess.

And guess whaaaaat? Sec three's camp is in two weeks. Yay.

xoxo, (haha)

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