Thursday, May 28, 2009

nervous breakdown

Yesterday, I slept from 4.30 til the next morning.
Guess I was just too sleeeeepy.

Had my English oral after school.
Had butterflies in my stomach or perhaps I was being such a nervous wreck.
Ian told me to stick out my tongue infront of the teacher.
Joker -.-
It was fine. Not that easy, not that hard.
But I stammered in one part. Urgh, how foolish.
Getting my fingers crossed that I'll pass.
Thank you very nice.

Tomorrow's last day of school for this term.
Like.. finally.
LETS PARTY! (hahaha) Not. I've got quite alot to do during the holidays pls :(
30 pictures/sources (cannot be from the internet) and 15 observational drawings for art. How sad. That means I have to go to the library alot and go out alot to develop pictures. Suspect that I'm going to woodlands library for this. Bla3.

I still owe Danial/Wani starbucks.
Don't know if I've got enough cash with me for now.
Plus, I need money for movies/hangouts/wild wild wet.
Tight for cash mannnnnnn.

Life is always never satisfying.
And my left foot is damn itchy and there's a spot there. (due to the bee alike thingy that stung me)

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